HomeDogsWoman Was Attempting To Stab Dog Who Ate Her Food, But She...

Woman Was Attempting To Stab Dog Who Ate Her Food, But She Stabbed A Baby Instead

Indianapolis, IN – Last week, a woman was arrested at an Indianapolis Days Inn after she accidentally stabbed a baby while attempting to stab a dog who ate her take-out food. As reported by WGNTV News, the Indianapolis Police were called out to the motel late Tuesday night after being alerted to a stabbing.

Officers found a one-year-old baby with a stab wound to her neck. They learned that the baby’s aunt, 32-year-old Sharon Key stabbed the child in the neck while trying to stab her own dog, who ate her Burger King chicken sandwich.

Burger King's chicken sandwich gets a makeover to win over the haters

According to reports, Key angrily chased the dog around the motel room with a knife. When the dog jumped on the bed and Key tried to stab the dog, she missed and struck her baby niece instead.

The baby’s own mother, who was also in the motel room, immediately called 911 after the stabbing. Before the police arrived, Key fled and tried to hide, but she was found hiding in bushes on the motel grounds several hours later. She is facing a felony charge of criminal recklessness.

The baby’s grandfather is angry and wants to see Key punished, telling the news agency:

It’s stupid, and at the same time, she’s a grown-up. She should have known that baby was sitting right there. I want the book thrown at her.”

According to the news agency, Key has a lengthy criminal history and a charge for stabbing a woman with a box cutter in 2020.

The baby is expected to survive and the dog, a tan and white pit bull, was seized by animal control officers.

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  1. what kind of mother lets this psych near her child or her pet. She needs to seriously reevaluate her life and her priorities. I am so sorry for that poor baby and maybe since she actually stabbed a baby she will get a whole lot more time then if she had stabbed that poor dog to death.

  2. Ugly ass bitch. Too bad she didn’t stab herself in the neck and die. What a waste of space on the earth. I agree with the relative, throw the book at this horrible woman. Stabbing anybody a person or animal because you are angry is just nuts. She obliviously grew up learning that violence is the way to handle situations. She is a dangerous person, needs to be behind bars and not be allowed to be near animals or children again. Hope the dog can get adopted or at least pulled from the shelter by a rescue so he or she gets a loving home.

  3. She probably didn’t feed the dog either. She’s clearly another angry person who solves her problems with violence. I feel sorry for the dog and certainly the baby who she should VENER be allowed near again.

  4. Une femme aussi ignoble mérite une peine exemplaire et interdiction formelle d’aprocher un animal. J’espère qu’elle n’a pas et n’aura pas d’enfants: il y a assez de malheureux sur la terre. Puisse le chien trouver une vraie bonne famille et l’enfant se remettre rapidement de ses blessures.

  5. I’d love to see her get stabbed in her fugly-ass face, maybe pop that giant zit/boil on her upper lip in the process. If her trashy ass doesn’t get tossed in jail, then she better be barred from being within 500 yards of that poor baby and dog ’til the day she stops wasting precious oxygen.

  6. I’m so sorry the baby got stabbed & I’m so happy the dog didn’t get stabbed I’m praying the innocent dog will get a chance to have a loving kind caring family so he can start living a happy healthy normal lifestyle & this crazy woman should be punished for what she has done Don’t let her get away with this at all Thank you God for watching over both child & dog

  7. I hope the dog, is given the chance to be adopted, and get to live in a safe, and sane environment. Eating the sandwich? Typical, of most dogs, when something that smells so good, is within their reach, with no one watching! This dog could go to a family, since he/she likes babies. Also, I am glad, that bitch didn’t harm the dog.


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