HomeDogsShelter Takes In Dog With Massive Tumor And Helps Her Have A...

Shelter Takes In Dog With Massive Tumor And Helps Her Have A Chance For A Love-Filled Life

Tacoma, WA – When a pit bull with a massive tumor was taken in at the Humane Society for Tacoma/Pierce County last month, staff could immediately tell that she was special. And though her prognosis was dire, plans were put in place to provide to give her a fighting chance to know comfort, love, and happiness.

Her name is Libby and she was diagnosed with a tumor on her bone – in order to save her life, she needed to have the tumor, and her leg, removed. The shelter said:

There was a massive tumor in the bone of her upper right leg, causing reactive inflammation that swelled her leg to the size of a volleyball and made her almost immobile with pain. To save her life, the limb would need an immediate amputation.

Compassionate people donated for Libby’s surgery, and a highly skilled surgical team successfully removed the 10-pound tumor and her leg.

And then…Libby was adopted. The shelter said a veterinary technician “immediately fell in love with” Libby and decided to make things official with an adoption, despite Libby’s diagnosis of aggressive bone cancer.

“There’s something in her eyes that begs for love and safety,” her adopter said. “I couldn’t turn away from that.”

Libby is now Wiggles, and though her time on earth may be limited, she is enjoying what every dog should enjoy – love, comfort, and kindness. The shelter said:

Libby, now named Wiggles for her joyful nature, spends her days playing with her dog brother, snuggling with her human sister, and taking well-deserved couch naps wrapped in cozy fleece blankets. And though we’re uncertain how much time she has left, we know she’ll spend her remaining days surrounded by love and comfort thanks to the kindness of our community.

Find the shelter on Facebook here.

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  1. The person that dumped their sick dying dog at the shelter should be forced to pay for all of her medical bills and be banned from ever owning another pet. When you adopt a animal it’s supposed to be for life. If you can’t afford to pay for whatever medical bills might pop up, then don’t adopt. Would you dump your child if they developed cancer? Of course not, you would find a way to get the treatment they needed. Same should apply to pets.

  2. I am amazed by how well dogs and cats do when one leg is taken from them. And I can’t imagine letting a poor pup get this bad without taking to a vet. Good luck to this baby


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