HomeAnimal RescueDog Turned Over To Animal Control With Request To Euthanize, Has Been...

Dog Turned Over To Animal Control With Request To Euthanize, Has Been Rescued

Fort Worth, TX – A young dog who was turned over to a Texas animal shelter with a request from his (former) owner to have him euthanized has been saved. The two-year-old dog was confused and terrified after being left at the Chuck Silcox Animal Care Center in Fort Worth, and a video showing his fear went viral on TikTok.

Yesterday, the surrendered dog was saved by Serendipity Ranch, and he now has a name – Miko.


Update!! RESCUED!!! #Miko @Foster. Adopt. Rescue.

♬ A Warrior – Lux-Inspira

The rescue group posted another heartwarming video that captures Miko’s gratitude.


Should i make his own TT!? 😊 #mikosjourney #deathrowtoparadise #adoptdontshop #wedontdeservedogs @Foster. Adopt. Rescue.

♬ Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like) [feat. Tobymac] – Grits

You can follow Miko’s journey with his rescuer at this link to TikTok. Enjoy your new life Miko!

Continue reading: ‘Superhero’ Dog Rushes To Save Canine Brother From Coyote Attack

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  1. Wonderful — thank you AND very good for HOLDING onto Miko — HOLDING ONTO Animals while waiting to adopt out to loving People MUST be POLICY — we MUST NEVER KILL healthy and treatable Animals — THANK YOU — THANK YOU.

  2. No no no..you’ve got the story backwards ! That sweet pup asked for his cruel heartless owner to be euthanized ! Makes more sense,right??? Can’t understand why people give up their pets..You own a pet for LIFE.,They are family too ! I wonder what happens if their kids mess up!!!!!! ?????? 🐾🐾💕

  3. Healthy animals are NOT euthanized, they are killed, and I really wish people would stop using that euphemism. It is for ending severe suffering from a condition or disease that will never get better. It could be from a dire situation as well but it will only cause extreme suffering. Healthy animals are killed, murdered and that is what would have happened to Mike. The shelter saved him by refusing to kill him, thank goodness, and helped him to find a new home.

  4. I’m so releaved this dog has a much better. These babies are family & should never be thrown away like that. Shame on the previous owners. You should be put down. How cold of you. Never get another pet because animals deserve better

  5. Thank God Miko was adopted right away. His former owner does not deserve to have any pet at all. Wish Miko the best of life in his new home.

  6. I am so glad this dog was rescued!! He, nor any other dog, belongs in shelters or pounds where they face death!! THIS is a horrible situation!! And I URGE everyone online here that reads this to contact their Senator or Congress because next week they will be looking into this!! PLEASE tell your Congress or Senator!! Something needs to stop, as far as putting our dogs down!! I have written to mine 2 times and I hope he listens to me or passes the word along to others!! SOMETHING needs to happen, as I told him, to dogs that are picked up by the pound, you need to take away the KILLING part from them!! If you take that away then you have money to put a microchip and register for free, for the dog or cat!! Microchips do not cost the consumer much, it should be cheaper for the pounds!! Have VETS that are GOOD to see the dogs if they are hurt or sick!! LEAVE IS UP to the VETS to put them down, have them fill out papers as to what kind of dog, what happened to the dog, and why you put him down!! NO SHELTER OR POUND has the right to take a DOG’s LIFE when that dog has a SOUL just like you and me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • the NYC ACC encourages owners surrendering dogs to request the dog to be euthanized!!! When they kill a dog requested by owner, they do Not have to count that dog in their year end accounting of how many dogs they euthanized. It is a sick, corrupt, cruel state of affairs in NYC. Until New Yorkers know this, we have to spread the word. No Dog should be euthanized unless medically terminally ill that is not treatable. Come over to twitter and see all the dogs on the euthanasia lists every day we try so hard to save…. https://twitter.com/TomJumboGrumbo
      I am so happy Miko was held in time to be rescued, to have a life… to have love and happiness as he should have❣

      • Well New York is filthy with corruption in all kinds of things. There are some good rescues who are trying to save as many as they can. It is awful when she went through the hallways of that shelter and we saw all of those dogs who were hopeful that she was coming for them. Really sad that any dog has to be in a shelter like that.

        • New York’s corruption is well known but still nothing like that in Texas. It’s so bad that Republican’s finally had to impeach the corrupt the Republican Attorney General for such a long list of crimes that they finally had no choice but to dump him into the legal system that he corrupted for his own safety from prosecution!!!

    • This is Texas. Most legislators at both the federal and state levels couldn’t care less about animals or little else beyond being supplicants to the fossil fuel industry !

  7. Thank you god he has a loving home now. Animals are family.
    Dreadful people the previous owners. How could they just dump him to be euthanised.

  8. Sorry TypeErrors these people should be uthanized!! Why would you do such a thing! I am so happy God has given him a new home with someone to love him and care of him! Thank you God!

  9. Theosophy,ewhodid this should be uthanized! I am so happy he has a new home with someone to love him! Thank you God!


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