HomeNational Animal NewsWorker Saves Newborn Puppy From Being Crushed In Garbage Truck

Worker Saves Newborn Puppy From Being Crushed In Garbage Truck

Flint, Michigan – A tiny puppy, thrown away in a trash bag, is alive thanks to an observant worker with Priority Waste. Bobby Brooks is the hero who heard something coming from the hopper of a garbage truck last Wednesday.

Brooks tells Mid Michigan Now:

“I continued to look and I saw the bags moving a little bit. I reached, hopped in there and ripped it open. That’s when we discovered a puppy, laying in the bottom of the hopper.”

Thanks to Brooks’ keen awareness, the pup is alive and well. The company’s CEO is covering the puppy’s veterinary bills and Brooks plans to give the pup a forever home.

Great job Bobby Brooks!

Update 5/19/2023: According to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, a suspect has been taken into custody.

Continue readingDeputy Placed On Leave After K9 Dies From ‘Heat-Related’ Injury

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  1. Thank you Bobby Brooks for saving that baby pup. You are truly that puppys Guardian Angel❤️👼❤️I wish more people were like you who has compassion for animals.❤️

  2. The only way ti stop this cruelty to defenseless animals is to have a MANDATORY 10 year prison term, with no parole. All of the two legged monsters, men and women have to get the message that you are not getting a slap on the wrist. In a previous story, a little puppy was left in the Texas heat in a tiny cage without food and water crying her little head off but to no avail. The woman responsible pleaded guilty. This monster has to be made aware of what this innocent little puppy went through, she needs to be placed in the middle of the desert, a hundred miles from civilization without food and water. These monsters have to get the message, don’t even think of hurting a defenseless animal because this will happen to you.

  3. The consciousness of someone who could throw a living puppy in a trash bag in the garbage is someone who is not only extremely disturbed, but likely a danger to society. There should be no room for these sick individuals on our streets. Find them. Lock them up for good. Or better yet, dump them in the garbage.

  4. Thank you so much Mr Brooks for saving this baby’s soul! You deserve an award for being such a wonderful honest and caring human being! Never change you make all our heart happy and take care of that little baby forever! Damn and cursed to torturous hell to whoever threw him in there! May they die a horrendous death soon!!

  5. God bless the worker! Glad he gets to keep the puppy. Glad the a*hole that dumped puppy was caught- I’d hope that the momma dog was taken from them & re-united with puppy- would’ve been best for mom & puppy. Kudos to CEO for covering vet bills- the original owner should be made to pay them back. Thank God for social media for giving us the power to capture & punish ppl abusing animals! LOVE ANIMALS. EAT PLANTS.

  6. I said the same as above, put the would be killer in a garbage truck for that is where s/he belongs. Thanks to bobby Brooks that pup is alive and well and will have a good home. I have to wonder about where the puppy’s mother is, if the dreck still has her, and has she or will she be taken away. Bravo for the company CEO for covering vet bills-a very generous act.

    • I totally agree with you Cherilyn. But thank goodness there are still compassionate and caring people out there just when we have given up hope!
      Thank you Bobby and I hope the little fellow brings you much joy!

    • Thank you Bobby Brooks for saving that baby pup. You are truly that puppys Guardian Angel❤️👼❤️I wish more people were like you who has compassion for animals.❤️


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