HomeFeaturedWarning To Hikers After Third Dog Killed By Mountain Goats

Warning To Hikers After Third Dog Killed By Mountain Goats

Hikers are warned to keep their dogs leashed after three dogs killed by mountain goats.

Mount Timpanogos, Utah – On August 20, an emergency response team in Utah issued a warning to people hiking with their dogs. The Timpanogos Emergency Response Team (TERT) said that the “third dog in as many weeks” was killed by a mountain goat on August 19.

The most recent incident involved an off-leash dog who “harassed” a mother goat with babies; the goat pushed the dog off a cliff.

TERT said:

It is the responsibility of dog owners to keep their animals under control at all times, as well as to pack out their waste. Allowing your dogs to chase goats carries fines akin to poaching

Reminding hikers that on the mountain, goats and wildlife have the right of way and that people (and their dogs) are guests in their space. Mountain goats are generally “mellow” and will walk close to people, but they are protective of their young.

The response team cited a 2021 incident involving a dog named Ruby who rounded a corner of the Emerald Lake shelter at the same time a goat did. The goat ran the fleeing dog down, and threw her into the air, leaving the dog battered with puncture wounds.

Hikers warned to keep dogs on leash following three dog deaths from mountain goats
Hikers warned to keep dogs on leash following three dog deaths from mountain goats

Hikers should remain aware of their surroundings and keep dogs under their direct control to prevent fatal encounters. Keeping a safe distance of approximately 50 yards is recommended.

(photos via TERT Facebook)

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  1. One can not blame that mother goat and the goats need to protect themselves. I don’t think they need to be temporarily banned but should not be running loose for the sake of the goats and the dogs. What a horrid thing to happen to that poor dog who was pushed off the cliff. It is true, people are visitors, guests, and should act as such. So many think they can do what they want and when they want to. I am not saying these people were definitely like that in general. That is why so much of nature/habitat is torn down.

  2. if you allow your dog off leash and to run ahead of you or out of sight this kinds to things could happen. I feel sorry for the dogs, but not the owners. They are responsible for the death of their dogs. I hope the park service will ban dogs from hiking trails at least through breeding season and when babies are likely to be present and could be chased or harassed by dogs.


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