HomeAnimal RescueStrangers Rally Around Abandoned Dog Found Collapsed On Road

Strangers Rally Around Abandoned Dog Found Collapsed On Road

East Grand Rapids, Michigan – People are rallying around an ailing dog who collapsed on a roadway in East Grand Rapids. Four days ago, Emilee Bond made a public Facebook post about the situation, writing:

This morning the starved/emaciated dog in these photos was spotted by my husband and a few other neighbors on Lakeside, where she had crawled out of the woods and collapsed in the middle of busy morning traffic, too exhausted to make it across the street. Concerned neighbors stopped traffic and kept her safe and were eventually able to get her to the sidewalk.

dog rescue shelter

A woman named Rachel, with the city of East Grand Rapids, stepped up to get the ailing dog to Cascade Animal Hospital, and Emilee started a fundraiser to help cover veterinary expenses.

Nearly $20,000 has been donated by people hoping to see the dog, dubbed Hope, recover. According to the veterinarian who examined Hope, it appears that she was a “breeding dog” who had multiple litters and was then discarded.

With good care and the support of strangers, hopefully, Hope will recover and be able to enjoy the rest of her life.

Find the GoFundMe for Hope here.

dog rescue shelter

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  1. I just hate people so much because of stories like this.Yes there are good humans who do make a difference but the lowlife gutless trash who put these animals in situations like this don’t deserve oxygen.

  2. Thank goodness there are good people in this world. Prayers for Hope to recover. The filthy monster(s) who did this to her needs a serious beat down with a steel bat!!

  3. I just saw this story my heart is breaking for this beautiful baby Hope thank God she was found and I’m praying she recovers soon and get the loving home she deserves

  4. Find the assholes who did this to her and kill them!!!! They’re no good scum and need to be killed and more than likely they’re still doing this to another dog! Investigation needs to be done to get these deranged scum!!!!! If you don’t, you’re just as bad!

  5. This world can be such an ugly place, made that way in part, by “people” who are the true definition of evil. Anyone who uses and mistreats an animal, then discards them truly fits the description of evil, along with anyone who abuses,tortures, neglects, abandons or kills any animal. It truly becomes a battle between good and evil. Humans with compassion in their hearts and the ability to understand just how precious animals are must keep rescuing, saving, reporting abuse, and doing everything we can for animals, be it big or small, including advocating for laws with teeth in animal abuse cases. I hope this sweet dog pulls through and the worthless people that tossed her away like garbage are charged..I’m sure if the authorities know who they are they will most likely find more like her. And yes, I don’t believe in breeding animals for a profit. Find some other way to make a living besides breeding and over breeding animals.

  6. I say to whoever the 💩 is who abandoned and starved this poor poor dog. Reap what’s coming you repulsive heartless vile human !!

  7. Everywhere you go, even in the worst places, there are people who care. This poor dog, she had given up hope but luckily she did it in an area where people would give her the care and love she needed and deserves. She can now find a good home forever. There are a lot of crappy people in the world but there are a lot of good ones too. So important to remember.

  8. you can find out who is breeding this breedof dogin the area nearby. they usually dont drive over l00 miles to get rid of evidence. it may be even closer. somebody get after the culprit here

  9. Sickening. I hate people. Whoever did this needs a good kick in the ass by karma, since they will probably never be caught. But if they are…give me 5 minutes with them!!!

  10. I concur Laura. And support this brave girl. I’m so glad some kind soul found Hope and actually TOOK ACTION!!! Awesome Emilee!!! 😍 Lots of love to HOPE forever, deserved.

    Legal punishment is the biggest culprit, after the human scum that does these horrible things. The absolute pathetic laws are ZERO DETERRENT and that is the fault of the Judiciary Systems, that DONT PUNISH, DONT MONITOR OR FOLLOW UP.
    An Animal Abuse Registry for the society to do the job the laws DONT!! If some of these shitbags get beaten or murdered, well thats GREAT!! It would be, at least the community removing them from society. More than the law EVER does to protect us!!!
    Pedophiles have to REGISTER!! And they still manage to cause major harm to children, and society due to “The Grossly Incompetent Legal Comic Systems” of ALL NORTH AMERICA.
    In my eyes, any criminal that takes their victims rights away, deserves NO RIGHTS!!

  11. No comments here after 3 days? Well I’ll speak up for this dear dog. She became a victim of subhuman evil scumbags, but she’s an awesome being who should have only been loved, cared for, protected, happy and comfortable. Extreme injustice is suffered by countless precious lives every damn day in this hell of a world. Surely all of these heartless lowlives have hell to pay at some point; they only think full justice does not exist. They’re fooled by this world of injustice into believing that. Thank goodness GOOD people stepped up to save this dog angel.

    • Sometimes people do not see the stories right away. As a very busy online activist, I either do not get the news early enough or do not get to read it all. There are many I would guess/hope who would care. I know that I do.

    • I just saw this today..im thankful for the people who happened upon this poor beautiful abandoned soul..

      • Whoever threw this dog out to die should be hunted down, fined and thrown in prison for a long time. How could someone abandon this beautiful dog?

        • I wholeheartedly agree. The abusers/ breeders should be criminally charged; yet there us no mention of an investigation. Our laws need to be changed to make it a felony if 4-legged animals are harmed or killed (i.e., as severe as harming humans).


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