HomeAnimal RescueSouthwest Airlines Booted Woman From Plane After She Comforted Her Newly Adopted...

Southwest Airlines Booted Woman From Plane After She Comforted Her Newly Adopted Puppy

A woman was recently booted off a Southwest Airlines flight after she comforted her newly adopted puppy. Sara Price, a witness to the ordeal, captured the woman’s exit from the plane and she posted her video to TikTok, explaining what happened.

Price writes:

Met this lady in the boarding line today @Southwest Airlines She flew out to Colorado Springs to pick up her new little puppy and fly her back home to CA. The puppy was whining a little and the flight attendant boarding everyone walked up to her and said, if your dogs doesn’t be quiet, you may not be able to fly.

According to Price, the woman reached into the carrier to pet her puppy and the comforting touch was enough to make the pup stop crying.

After boarding the plane, Price saw the woman holding the carrier on her lap, petting the pup to keep it quiet. She said the same flight attendant approached the woman and told her to zip up the carrier and put it under the seat.

She continues:

Everyone around us was like, what’s going on here!? Another flight attendant, dressed as a cat comes up and says “are we going to have a problem here!?” The lady does as she is told and we start to taxi to the runway.

Sharing the shocking moment the flight attendants got together to get the woman kicked off the flight. She explains:

The dog gave a very soft whine, so she leaned over and started petting it from the outside of the carrier but right at mesh. All the attendants got in a group at the front of the plane and decided we needed to return to the gate and that she should be removed from the flight.

In another video, Price explains that her husband told the flight attendants that their behavior was “ridiculous” and it resulted in them being kicked off the flight as well.

Comments on the video are predominantly supportive of the woman with the puppy. Several people noted that kids can scream on a flight for hours, but this flight crew seemed to think that a whining puppy was too disruptive.

Noting that other airlines go out of their way to ensure that people and their pets have a safe and enjoyable flight.

As reported by People, there were other passengers who decided to get off of the Southwest flight because they were upset by the incident.


Met this lady in the boarding line today @Southwest Airlines She flew out to Colorado Springs to pick up her new little puppy and fly her back home to CA. The puppy was whining a little and the flight attendant boarding everyone walked up to her and said, if your dogs doesn’t be quiet, you may not be able to fly. She sticks her hand in the soft carrier and pets the puppy. It stopped whining. We board the plane and she has the carrier in her lap still petting the puppy when the same flight attendant came up and said the carrier needed to be zipped completely and put under the seat. Everyone around us was like, what’s going on here!? Another flight attendant, dressed as a cat comes up and says “are we going to have a problem here!?” The lady does as she is told and we start to taxi to the runway. The dog gave a very soft whine, so she leaned over and started petting it from the outside of the carrier but right at mesh. All the attendants got in a group at the front of the plane and decided we needed to return to the gate and that she should be removed from the flight. #southwestairlines #southwest #southwestair

♬ original sound – Sara Price

What do you think? Was the flight crew’s behavior justified? Does this change your opinion of Southwest Airlines? Feel free to comment below.

Continue reading: 1,000 Cats Destined For Chinese Slaughterhouse Have Been Rescued


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  1. I always loved Southwest, but I haven’t flown for about a decade! Obviously, they’ve gone downhill. And all these companies, in order to not go under, are going to have to pay better- let’s take it right out of the top salaries!

  2. Southwest Airlines….you should be ashamed of your flight attendents. As an animal lover, your staff was totally in the wrong! I wouldn’t want to fly with you.

  3. these are the many jackasses we have in todays workforce. they have zero common sense, zero compassion and are basically a bunch of airheads. start boycotting these companies. i have been saying for years people are foolish, we have the power we need right in our wallet but many refuse to use it.

  4. What is with flying and rude airline employees these days? I would rather listen to a puppy than someone’s kids or a loud drunk. I was on a Southwest flight from Vegas to KC and had to sit next to a guy who was clearly drunk when he boarded and they continued to serve him all the way back. He was obnoxious, loud and bothered me the entire time. I was clearly uncomfortable but the flight attendant did/said nothing to him. I did not enjoy my flight. Why was HE not spoken to or kicked off the flight. Southwest used to be a decent airline. Now? Not so much.

  5. Southwest is the worst with pets! i have a 13 year old senior chihuahua with no teeth. The same thing happened to me BEFORE The flight! a worker was upset because she wasn’t all the way in her carrier. i put her in. She stuck her head out, it was her first time on a plane and she does not understand the rules. The guy followed me on the plane and took us off. He called to make sure that I could have both dogs in one carrier. They are 15 pounds together! The little one is only 5 pounds and again, no teeth. Everyone was happy when we were able to get back on the plane. The young worker looked me dead in the eyes and told me that she better stay in the carrier. On another flight another over zealous power tripped flight attendant had issues when the little dog stuck her head out of the bag. she told me if she did it again she would not be able to fly again! There are terrorists out there but she wants a 5 pound toothless chihuaha on the no fly list! Unbelievable! I have since switched to American Airlines. have had other issues with Southwest .

  6. Oh how I would’ve loved to have been on that flight! Kick off the annoying crying screaming babies! SouthWORST! Worst damn airline! The POS flight attendants need be fired! Dog haters! Unacceptable!

    • Agree absolutely. Screaming,crying, kicking human brats make a flight miserable. Drunk and loud humans also.
      This dear lady adopted a rescue and very likely saved a precious life. And she is disrespected and punished like this ??
      SW used to be the best at customer service and compassion. WTH happened ?

  7. This is absolutely ridiculous!!! I would much rather fly with a whimpering puppy than a crying baby or screaming child! I always fly Southwest but not anymore if this is how they treat people’s pets

  8. These stupid flight attendants must be punished for what they did! This is absolutely disgusting, a total disgrace for that company!!!!

  9. What stupid ho bags those flight attendances are! They need to be slapped into next week. Such cold and heartless witches. I’ll never fly SW airlines!

  10. The flight attendants take issue with a puppy whining. Then they take issue when the lady comforts the dog to stop it’s whining. It’s not as if the dog was howling or barking. They should have left the lady alone and let her comfort her stressed puppy. Hope she goes after Southwest.

  11. This is dumb on the flight attendants, who think they are God’s!!! do what we say or get off, we rule the sky
    the dog was a new puppy and was probably afraid of the strange sounds that we hear or a plane. Grow up
    attendants, you need to be retrained in your duties. You are only a flight attendant, wo quit playing God.


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