HomeNational Animal News1,000 Cats Destined For Chinese Slaughterhouse Have Been Rescued

1,000 Cats Destined For Chinese Slaughterhouse Have Been Rescued

Zhangjiagang, China – Police in Zhangjiagang have rescued 1,000 cats from a truck destined for a slaughterhouse. According to sources, a tip from animal welfare advocates led to the rescue of the cats who were part of an illegal meat trade.

Stock image of cats via Pixabay

The cats, which may have been pets, or strays, would have been slaughtered and served in restaurants as pork or lamb, reports CNN.

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Activist Gong Jian tells the Chinese outlet, The Paper:

“Cat meat is sold at 4.5 yuan per catty, but mutton is 30 yuan per catty on the market. A cat weighs seven or eight kilograms, and after peeling, it is about four or five kilograms of meat. It is sold at the price of cat meat, pretending to be mutton and pork. The middle The difference is all profit, as long as they catch a cat, they make a profit.”

According to the publication, a “den” at an area cemetery was used to hold the cats before transport. The cats were nailed into wooden boxes and held upwards of a week before being loaded onto a truck destined for a slaughterhouse.

The rescued cats will be treated if they are sick or injured and healthy cats will be put up for adoption after the public has had a chance to see if any of them were stolen pets. All of the cats will be sterilized before being released.

These cats are extraordinarily lucky; there are no animal protection laws in place for cats and dogs in China.

Continue reading: Shelter Searching For Home For Dog Abandoned Alongside Road – He Has Waited Since 2019


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  1. A viscious circle. Stolen pets will be adopted but be at risk of being stolen again and sold to the butchers to be be slaughtered to eat !! Laws must be changed in China and abided by !!!

  2. It’s all about supply and demand. Cats and kittens would not be needed for slaughter if it weren’t for the Chinese people wanting to eat them. They don’t seem to have any compassion at all for any living creature as the Chinese people eat anything and everything that is alive. Animals don’t stand a chance in China because the people are so barbaric. Civilized society has to put a stop to this heartless and criminal behavior as they themselves do not possess a conscience. The inhumanity of it has made me wish them all suffer greatly. They deserve nothing less. The USDA, FDA AND CONCERNED CITIZENS better check up on all Chinese restaurants here in this country as I do not trust a single one of them.

  3. If no protection laws for cats in China, why would police confiscate them from being transported to a slaughterhouse. I would suppose it’s illegal to claim cat flesh is pig flesh but w/ the seasoning all Chinese food tastes alike so I guess that’s how they get away w/ it.


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