HomeFeaturedShepherd Pup Beaten Unconscious Released From Veterinary Hospital

Shepherd Pup Beaten Unconscious Released From Veterinary Hospital

A German shepherd pup suffered severe injuries after a man beat him unconscious.

York, PA – A German shepherd pup who was beaten unconscious last week in York has recovered enough to leave the veterinary hospital. The pup, dubbed Chance, was taken to the Mason Dixon Animal Emergency Hospital after a man viciously attacked him.

Pup beaten unconscious
Pup beaten unconscious

The brutal beating last Wednesday left the pup with a fractured jaw, shattered eye socket, cuts, abrasions, and a suspected concussion.

Last week, someone called 911 to report the abuse. A police statement reveals what the witness saw:

“A 911 caller reported that a tall black male wearing a red shirt was ‘beating a dog to death’ to the rear of this block. Officers arrived a short time later and located the young dog- bleeding, seriously injured and unconscious, but the actor was gone. Officers transported the dog for emergency veterinary treatment.”

As reported by the York Dispatch, police have identified a person of interest in the cruelty case and officials are working to determine what charges the suspect will face.

Chance is continuing his recovery at the York County SPCA. On Tuesday, the shelter said:

Our entire veterinary team is focused on Chance’s recovery. Countless caring individuals have reached out asking to be considered to adopt him. At this time, we cannot place any adoption holds for him. When Chance is well enough to go to his forever home, we will share that information with our community and applications will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Continue readingDog Abuser Charged With Attempted Murder After Attacking Man Who Intervened on Dog’s Behalf


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  1. Find the SICKO & throw him in Prison — throw away the key — he’s dangerous to society & NEVER to be allowed freedom — who’s next for BEATINGS and ABUSE on this PSYCHO’s list ? — LOCK HIM UP.

  2. Ghetto-ass punk shouldn’t be permitted to have a pet rock, let alone own an actualy sentient being. I hope someone beats his ass so hard he forgets his own stupid name and becomes permanently physically disfigured.

    • Amen!!! Fucking Neanderthal ape needs to be put upon the Breaking Wheel and have volunteers take a swing of the hammer. Wrack and quarter that diabolical shit! I have a 7 month GSD and can’t imagine what that poor puppy went through

  3. This poor dog that is in the back of the shelter needs to saved and have a chance to be loved . Please put this poor dog up front so he has a chance to get a forever loving home.

  4. May this ugly coward rot in hell for what he did to this poor innocent puppy! What a POS and evil, if not punished severely, he will go on to hurt other animals, children, and the elderly, anything weaker than him, for he is a freaking coward, may he rot in hell After a lengthy prison term, which is too good for him! He needs the same done to him as he did to that poor puppy, so he knows the pain! Please let the puppy girl you’re a foster home, and shelter is too horrible right now while he’s healing.

  5. Thankfully Chance was rescued and treated. Hope he recovers and goes to a good, loving home. The pos filth that hurt him deserves to beat with a steel bat!

  6. Let’s hope the guy who beat this poor dog is charged and ends up with some jail time. Then while he’s in jail someone beats the living hell of of him so he can feel what that dog felt. Many he’ll end up with a permanent disability like being blind in one eye or can’t use his arm anymore. We can only hope. Most people suck, this is why I prefer animals. They are never as cruel as people.

  7. I hate that because Chance is property and a investigation is on going and because of that he can’t be placed in a foster home and must be put in a cage with dozens of barking dogs in a shelter. Chance needs to be in a quiet loving home to recover from his trauma. Poor guy. It’s cruel how our legal system treats pets.

    • Too many people have no empathy when it comes to animals, only for them and theirs. The hells called shelters for animals would be considered too cruel for violent felons. I do hope Chance becomes an exception to the rule and is placed in a thoroughly vetted, wonderful foster home. As far as the brutal goon that did that to him…HE is the one who should be put in a cage with dozens of creeps just like himself and left there to whatever fate dishes out.


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