HomeCatsSeven Cats Left $2.5 Million Mansion And Inheritance

Seven Cats Left $2.5 Million Mansion And Inheritance

Tampa, FL – Seven beloved cats will be able to live the good life for the remainder of their days thanks to their owner’s will, which specifies that they are the recipients of her $2.5 million mansion and substantial inheritance.

According to sources, Nancy Sauer’s will specified that her Persian cats, Cleopatra, Goldfinger, Leo, Midnight, Napoleon, Snowball and Squeaky, were to remain in her posh Tampa mansion until the cats had passed. Sauer died in November 2022 at the age of 84.

According to Sherry Silk, executive director of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, funds were also left to ensure that the cats would have enough funds to care for them for the rest of their life.

As reported by the New York Post, a Hillsborough County probate judge has overruled Sauer’s wishes for her cats to stay in their home. Silk explains:

“Cats shouldn’t be left by themselves in a big house. I am going to personally make sure that we can keep as many together as we can and that they go to the perfect house,”

The cats will be made available for adoption this week.

(Stock image via Pixabay)

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  1. There’s no way in Hell this woman left 2.5 mil, plus her mansion, to her cats w/o specifying provisions to be taken to care for her cats. Someone is the caretaker &/or executor of the will. They live in mansion w cat’s & take care of em. They are also paid for this position. Like a cat’s gonna go grocery shopping, pay property taxes, etc. DUH!!! How dare this judge disregard that woman’s final wishes & will. And oh yeah, now they’re being rounded up, separated & adopted out.
    WT Literal F !!!
    No, just NO!!!!
    He (judge) needs to be recalled in the next election.

  2. This woman obviously made provisions for her cat kids. No one could say she wasn’t looking out for them, but ultimately I think she put them in harms way. Any time an animal is put in a position like that, unable to speak for themselves, humans take over, and those humans may not have the cats welfare at heart. They ultimately will most likely be separated and put somewhere for adoption. I hope someone will be strictly overseeing what happens to them because I’m betting there are some distant relatives somewhere who would love to see the cats “gone”, so they could claim they were promised money from this woman’s estate. I worry about these little cats. This woman’s heart was in the right place but she could have handled her beloved cats futures in a much better way, imo.



  4. judge is wrong and corrupt. Noone has right to change a will. It is common sense that will required caretaker for cats to take care of the cats in the mansion. Human DEVILS stealikng the mansion & the money & throwing the cats out-that is not what the will says

  5. The decision of this judge really STINKS. And it stinks of arrogance and corruption. Surely there must be some distant relative who could put things right and follow the late owner’s declared wishes.

  6. That mansion should be converted into a 501(c)3 sanctuary/rescue with a paid (monies left until funding needed), experienced, skilled, and vetted manager(s) and volunteers

  7. Someone must have been really pissed at being left out of the will and even angrier upon learning the money was left to a “bunch of cats”. Now these beautiful cats will be split up and removed from the only home they have lived in their whole lives. Too bad she didn’t specify that her home be made into a cat rescue!

  8. i wouldnt have any problem living in that house to take care of them cats… but id have to be able to bring my dogs with me… they love kitties too….

  9. I would live in the mansion and take care of the cats I like the longhair cats my cats would have to be there too and my dog

  10. NOT right! It was her last wish and some greedy ass judge overturned her wishes! Someone like the ADL should file a motion to stop this judges order!

    • I sent a email to the Animal defense League that represents animals in court because I don’t think it right to do this to the kitties!

  11. I agree..someone will find a loop hole …if they care about the cats hire a responsible and loving person to be the caretaker of the mansion and the cats.

  12. The courts are wrong. Why bother having a will drawn up if some judge with control issues overrides everything? Maybe we don’t have all the information.
    Surely the woman wouldn’t want her cats to live in a huge mansion alone after her death. She must have some friend or relative who could be on sight.
    The cats should not be split up. This is what the woman was trying to avoid.
    I would adopt all 7 if I lived in the U.S.
    What is going to happen to her mansion?
    Where will the money go after the sale? Where is the person who drew up the will?
    This is so wrong on so many levels.

  13. This poor woman believed in a system that failed her. It was her mansion, her money
    and her cats. She obviously loved her cats as if they were her human family. Why
    on earth does a judge have a right to override her will? There is something very
    corrupt going on here. I also don’t get the humane society adopting the cats out.
    I thank God that this poor woman doesn’t know what’s happening to her cats.

  14. Just another reason to bring up that awkward conversation with your aging loved ones about their will, their house, and beloved family heirlooms. Trust me. I didn’t bring it up because I didn’t want to seem like a vulture. Big mistake.

  15. Too much disregard for the Will and the cats! WTF do these courts think they have the final say as dictated otherwise on the will. Obviously there is enough money for a caretaker to take care of them in their habitat. Courts are so wrong and corrupt these days. If the money isn’t being used as the Will indicated, then whose hands are bent on stealing the money?

  16. She should have included applications for someone who loves cats, live in the mansion and care for them keeping them all together.
    Thorough investigations of people of course.

  17. Why have a will then? If someone is going to do what they want? This is so wrong. Who is the executor? They are not doing what the will specifically told them to do.

    • I agree with you that something sounds corrupt here.. but, believe me, corruption doesn’t begin and end in the U.S.A. it’s everywhere in the universe.

    • I agree..someone will find a loop hole …if they care about the cats hire a responsible and loving person to be the caretaker of the mansion and the cats.

      • i will be that person….. let me live in that mansion and to take care of them cats … plenty of money to do that easy,,,,,

  18. Anyone who cares about their animals wants to them to be taken care of but 2.5 million dollars. Surely some of that could have been used to help other animals as well.


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