HomeDogsSecond German Shepherd Ousted From The White House Following Bite Incidents

Second German Shepherd Ousted From The White House Following Bite Incidents

A second German shepherd finds himself banished from the White House because of repeated bite incidents. According to sources, President Biden’s shepherd, Commander, will no longer be residing at the White House because he keeps biting Secret Service agents.

The most recent incident happened on Sept. 25 and resulted in the need for the victim to receive medical attention. The writing was on the wall earlier this summer when it was reported that the two-year-old dog had bitten multiple people, sending at least one uniformed officer to the hospital. When the information about Commander’s behavior issues was released in July, a White House spokesperson said that he would be undergoing additional training.

Commander’s concerning behavior is a troubling repeat of the problems the Bidens encountered with their former shepherd, Major, who was ousted from the White House after biting several people.

In a statement to CNN Elizabeth Alexander, first lady Jill Biden’s spokesperson, said:

“Commander is not presently on the White House campus while next steps are evaluated,” adding that the Bidens, ” remain grateful for the patience and support of the U.S. Secret Service and all involved, as they continue to work through solutions.”

No word on where Commander is at this time, or if he will be allowed to return to the White House.

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  1. Precisely! It’s a pity, so many people cannot bear to hear the truth, and that’s why this country might never recover. Every thing this man touches/addresses turns to sh*t.

  2. several dog trainers have spoken out about this and it is 100% the owners irresponsibility of taking in dogs that require a great deal of training and attention to socialize them. he screws up the dogs as bad as he screws up our country. all the bleeders can chime in and defend him all you want. the man couldn’t lead a boy scout troop.

  3. The comments on here are ridiculous! The Bidens have always had pets. German shepherds are very protective. The number of strangers they are subjected to can be disturbing to them. Obviously they aren’t aware that secret service members are there to do their job…-protect . They have not abandoned their dogs….they just aren’t at the White House. And where in Gods name do people get the idea that military dogs are tortured. ???? Dog handlers try to keep their dogs after their service to our country.

    • So, if the dog isn’t at the White House, with the Bidens…where is it? You don’t just adopt a pet, and then send it away. You work with the dog. You train it to be obedient. You give it love and affection and constantly show that animal that YOU are the one who will love it and protect it. Sending it away, locking it up in a kennel, only to be taken out to go to the bathroom, and not being there yourself to show it affection is NOT how you raise a dog or cat. That’s like having a child, and then not being around to raise him or her YOURSELF. Clearly, some people have no right to adopt a pet of any kind, I don’t care if you’re a regular person, a celebrity or “famous” public figure.

      • There is no evidence that either dog has been treated that way! You clearly have a bias against Biden in favor of that cheating con man Trump!

    • Let’s face it – when Biden was running in the election, he adopted Major (the other shepherd they gave away), just as a photo op. Many of the same people, reading/commenting will yak about dogs in shelters with behavior issues, blaming the former owners, and these same people feel that Biden should be exempt from such scrutiny, and criticism. Now, that’s what I call bs! Think, just think, of people who had dogs destroyed because of just one bite?!? It happens all the time! So, this dude gets special treatment?!? F no!

    • I’ve never heard the term “prop pet” before reading this. A while back, one of my cousins adopted a pitbull who had been abused, from a dog rescue. He died recently from medical conditions, but for many years was a good boi. A sweet, affectionate Pitbull…another example of what happens when formerly abused dogs are adopted by people who take the time to show their companion love and attention. Just giving the animal a pet or two every once in a while isn’t love. And, just like a human being, (in most cases, but sadly not all) if you earn their trust by actions, they will respect you…and love you back.

  4. It’s all starting to come out that the installed brain dead puppet has kicked and punched his dogs. He has no business owning any animal. If the dogs have behavioral issues, it’s because that reprobate caused them.

  5. If it was a rare occurrence, then I’d say the dog may have problems. But repeated negative behaviour by two different animals, one after the other, points to the humans involved. Gaslighting at its best.

  6. I have no doubt that these dogs are “prop pets,” and are miIitary “trained” and supplied, which means they have been tortured.

    Many miIitary and paramilitary K9s have been destroyed for turning on their handIers, and many more have died during their “training” (i.e. “torture”) sessions. Having worked in law enforcement (paramilitary) and knowing that the protocol to torture the dogs comes from the miIitary, I am sickened by the fact that this goes on aII the time, but is carefully kept secret from the pubIic under the Code of Silence.

  7. Not Major or Commander’s fault this family shouldn’t own a dog , especially with drugs thrown about that animals could become poisoned.

  8. this moron should not own a dog. he barely knows where he is, so how is he caring for a large German shepherd. these dogs are highly intelligent and require mental and physical stimulation. i can’t see biden stimulating anyone never mind a dog like this. his first dog was the same issue. these dogs like the Malinois need a lot of attention and need to be handled by people with breed experience. so now another dog hits the dusty trail thanks to our disaster in chief. way to go brandon!

    • I say they are miltary trained and supplied. Although links appear to not be allowed here, try to find the site Stop K9 Torture (dot) com, and in addition to information at that site, anyone may request a Iist of current Iinks which show and explain the severe abuse, and why the dogs often lash out and are subsequently destroyed (that is, ones that survive the hangings, kicking, etc., which is euphemistically called “training,” or ”

    • It’s really amazing how one pet post can turn into President bashing. My father trained dogs for the Boston police. They are breed specific guard dogs. It sounds like you are the uninformed one.

      • i have owned german and belgium shephards most of my life and if they taught and socialized correctly they are no different than any other dog with a high intellect and need for stimulation.

      • Evidently, you are not aware that this was the second GS that bit multiple people. Even Biden said that he pulled on Major’s tail (not this one)! Biden is getting special treatment, because if this happened to ANYONE else, the dog would have been destroyed, and the owners fined/jailed, depending on the severity of the bite.


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