HomeAnimal RescueRescue Team Saves Dog Trapped In Cave With Slumbering Bear

Rescue Team Saves Dog Trapped In Cave With Slumbering Bear

Tennessee – A hunting dog named Charlie got stuck in a cave shaft with a slumbering bear. According to the Waldens Creek Volunteer Fire Department, Charlie was trapped approximately 40 feet deep down an extremely narrow cave shaft, and when a rescue team went in to save him, they encountered a 200-lb bear who was sleeping.

The department explains:

Things took a turn when Firefighter Downing rounded a corner and found a bear sleeping five feet below her and the trapped hunting dog farther in the cave system.

The rescuers exited the cave and set up trail cameras to monitor the area in order to determine when the bear left.

The next day, the team returned and the coast was clear – rescuers could rope up and save Charlie. The department said:

Firefighter Christian Ellard (Waldens Creek), Firefighter Andrew Wojturski (Sevier County Fire & Rescue), and Captain Jon Lanier (Waldens Creek) entered the cave on a rope system and descended down and located the trapped Charlie. They fashioned a harness for the dog and affected the rescue.

Charlie was promptly reunited with his “happy” (and undoubtedly relieved!) owner.

According to the rescue team, Charlie had been trapped in the cave shaft for three days, including a portion of the time he “unwillingly” shared the space with the young bear.

Great job rescuing Charlie!!

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