HomeAnimal CrueltyPolice Arrest Teen For Fatal Dog Attack On Cat

Police Arrest Teen For Fatal Dog Attack On Cat

Broward County, FL – In mid-April, surveillance video captured footage showing a male encouraging his dog to attack and kill an innocent cat named Ringo. The cat was sitting safely on top of a vehicle before the male with the dogs scared it off.

The Broward Sheriff’s Office instigated an investigation with the hope of identifying the person responsible for Ringo’s death and their sleuthing led them to a 14-year-old boy. As reported by CBS News, the teen was arrested on several felony charges including animal cruelty involving torment, animal cruelty resulting in death and baiting of animals.

Because of his age, his identity is not being released to the public.

Read the original article about this cruel situation here.


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  1. Not surprised they did not release his name and residence but is am sure it will come to light eventually who he is and some kind of retribution comes to this kid for what he did.

    • HE HAS NO SOUL!!!!!!! IDIOTS like this are priming themselves to be killers!!! They start when they are young with animals, prominent with dogs or cats!! He has probably killed before and then start on people, sometimes hurting them severely or killing them!! Whether its one or more than one, they are still classified as a killer!! The best thing these parents can do is to get him into prison for life, away from any one they could hurt!!

  2. Disgusting. This young boy is cruel and sadistic, it needs to be stopped now before he gets worse. Anyone who does this to an innocent creature is cold and lacks empathy, even worse, they gain enjoyment from seeing something in pain. Makes me sick.

  3. 14 is old enough to know better, just a worthless piece of scum!! Name and shame this piece of garbage, clearly a danger to the public and animals at large, so we should know what it looks like and its name. Get it locked up.

  4. FELONY charges for a teen…thank goodness! (If I thank Trump someone might go off like a 💣)
    It’s about time these junior scumbags faced a bit of real grownup justice. Hopefully he gets the maximum and that his cell mates take a strong dislike to him.

    • Agree with all you said except I have no idea why you think Trump cares. He doesn’t GAF about animals and plenty of red states let off horrendous animal abuse crimes. Just look at some of the awful incidents in Texas and Alabama recently. You guys are deluded.

      • Biden and crew are a horrible disaster while Trump was a truly great President, no matter what you think of him.

        From AI…

        On November 26, 2019, President Donald Trump signed the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act into law, making animal cruelty a federal felony. The bipartisan bill aims to combat “heinous and sadistic acts of cruelty” towards animals.

        Key Points:
        The PACT Act criminalizes certain acts of animal cruelty, including crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating, impaling, and other bodily injury towards non-human mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians.
        The bill expands on a 2010 law that banned videos depicting animal cruelty, making intentional acts of cruelty shown in the videos also felony offenses.
        The law carries penalties of up to seven years in prison for those found guilty of animal cruelty.
        The signing of the bill was met with praise from animal rights advocates and lawmakers, who hailed it as a significant milestone for animal welfare.

        “It is important that we combat these heinous and sadistic acts of cruelty, which are totally unacceptable in a civilized society.” – President Donald Trump
        “Signing this bill into law is a significant milestone for pet owners and animal lovers across the country.” – Congressman Vern Buchanan

  5. put this piece of shits name out there with his photo as well. if these low life’s are man enough to commit these crimes then the punishment should be the same. this is not a traditional 14 year old teen. this is a soulless piece of crap and i hope the same fate awaits him in his future.

    • You are so very CORRECT Louis!! 14 year old violent killer needs to be be eliminated from this earth. He is a PIECE OF SHIT !!


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