HomeFeaturedOrphaned Bear Cub Rescued From Driveway in Minnesota

Orphaned Bear Cub Rescued From Driveway in Minnesota

An orphaned bear cub was rescued from someone's driveway.

Chisago County, MN – An orphaned bear cub is receiving life-saving care after someone reported seeing the cub laying in their driveway. According to the Chisago County Sheriff’s Office, the cub was in “rough shape,” appearing to be gaunt and likely separated from its mother for several days.

Orphaned bear cub rescued
Orphaned bear cub rescued

On Monday, the authorities recounted the life-saving effort on social media, writing:

Yesterday we received a call in Rushseba Township of a bear cub laying in someone’s driveway, appearing to be injured or sick. Deputy Finnegan found the cub in rough shape, appearing gaunt and probably separated from its mother for several days.

Things are looking up for the orphaned cub. According to the sheriff’s office, Deputy Finnegan contacted a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Roseville to arrange for care.

Orphaned bear cub rescued
Orphaned bear cub rescued

The agency said that if the emergency care is successful the bear cub will be transferred to Garrison, MN, for further rehabilitation before being released.

Bear cub rescued

(Bear cub images via Chisago County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page)

Continue reading: Teams Join Forces, Saving Retriever Puppy Who Was Being Wheeled To Euthanasia Room

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  1. So happy to hear he or she will be released into the wild when old enough. Too many stories of wildlife ending up in roadside zoos or to be used for ‘educational purposes’ which means they never are freed. Some also are just shot to death by fish & game who think they only way to deal with babies without moms is to shoot.

  2. Such a little one. I hate to imagine what happened to her/his mum though sometimes things just happen. I am grateful they are taking care of him/her. I have had the occasional young black bear crossing through. They are beautiful beings.


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