HomeAnimal RescueNew Name And New Life For Emaciated Dog Rescued From Animal Control

New Name And New Life For Emaciated Dog Rescued From Animal Control

Florida – An emaciated dog, who weighed just 35 pounds upon intake at the Miami-Dade Animal Services facility, is embarking on a new life. Formerly dubbed Mufasa, the rescued dog is now known as Finley, and he is safe in the care of a foster parent through the Pittie Party of Central Florida.

Two days ago, the rescue agency updated Facebook followers about the malnourished pup, writing:

We have no idea what this poor pup went through in the past to get to this point. He had to stay at the emergency vet for multiple days because his little body was so emaciated, broken, and he was in critical shape. The vet thinks he endured quite a lot of neglect, which I think is quite evident. He was able to be discharged yesterday and made his way to our foster here in Central Florida. We all agreed that it’s best to put his past behind him, so with a new life comes a new loving home and a new name. Finley ❤️

You can keep tabs on Finley’s progress, as he enjoys a brand new life, at this link to his very own Facebook page. 

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  1. The dog was a big bull dog, and at 35 lbs. was about to die, anyone can see that!! The previous irradical irresponsible IDIOT of a owner, was to blame for all of this!! And to put into prospect, giving this dog shots BEFORE he gains at least some weight, gets better a lot, should NOT be given shots!! This protects the dog and the VETS that give the shots, that is in the course of money!! With that said, these IDIOTS that owned this dog had NO SOUL, in that there is compassion, love, and endurance for the dog, that is the problem!! So many of these so-called IDIOT owners buy dogs and then throw up their hands to do what they want to do and forget about the dog that is starving!! IT IS UP to EVERYONE to adopt a dog, sell a dog, or give a dog with a RESPONSIBLE NATURE so that the dogs, that have SOULS, can live, love and play!! YOU just never know when you get a dog, if that dog will be responsible for your life one day!!!!!

  2. Just horrible! Praying for this baby to heal and find a loving family. To the stupid idiots that do this to animals give them to a shelter! You do not deserve the privilege of having pets!!!

  3. It disgusting to think this animal control factility would have done this to this poor dog. I’m wondering if the animal control agency found this dog in this condition or did this poor dog get like this from staying at the animal control facility.? Whether it’s the animal control facility who did this to him or an individual, they need to be reported and prosecuted. Thank God he was rescued by you. He’s on his way to recovery and a better life. This is tragic to see this poor baby like this and the suffering he endured.

  4. Finley’s old name Musafa is a girl’s Arabic name meaning rescued or helped (I looked it up). Was that the last “caretaker’s” idea of a sick joke? If the people are known, I hope they’re suffering real justice. You can see the innocent angel in Finley’s poor sunken eyes. I’m so glad he’s safe and happy and filling out now.

  5. Whomever owned this precious puppy must be reported and charge with Animal Cruelty/Neglect. How long was he held at the first shelter before he was rescued?? I pray he now has a forever kind loving home.

  6. Miami Dade is a shit hole. Last week they took in a late pregnancy dog who had a leg injury. instead of treating the dogs leg they decided to euthanize ALL her full term puppies and she was next but luckily a shelter pulled her out in time. I have heard many horror stories regarding this mismanaged hell hole. i don’t know how these people sleep at night and i hope the souls of all the animals they needlessly put to death haunts them their entire lives. bunch of slimebags.

    • If that’s the case (not properly caring for precious animals) authorities in Florida must close this unethical facility.


  7. Human mindless vermin who did this to this poor puppy should be locked up for months without food and water!!!
    These psychologically disturbed sadists deserve no better, these are NOT people!

  8. The title of the article is misleading in that it states the pup was rescued FROM
    The rescue center- I too thought the rescue center neglected the dog.
    The article title should read that the pup was rescued BY the rescue center. It’s easy to see why readers are confused.

  9. Ditto to what everyone else said. The commenter saying AC should be reported read it wrong as he was brought to them in that emaciates state. Kudos to them for not killing Finley and for giving him a chance at a better life. I hope to see more photos. I am not on FB and so can not see how he is doing but I know he will have love and the life he deserves when he is able to be adopted. It is the person who neglected him who should be held accountable. It is wonderful to see any animal be happy but to see dogs who have suffered so much, it is even better to see them showered with love and thriving.

  10. Thank God somebody was finally in a position to help this beautifujl baby. It always leaves me speechless when I see these articles. A loving, trusting, probablly kind and gentle dog treated like this and I’d be happy to take the assult charge. I’m sure there’d be a line-up behind me

    Bless your hearts and I hope Finley is on his way to a loving forever home and never has to worry about anything again in his life.

  11. Thank you Veterinarians and the good people that saved this poor dog’s life. God is watching and will Bless You ! 💒

  12. People who inflict ANY form of abuse , or cruelty are not human or animal ….animals show more loyalty ,love ,than humans .These abusers ARE monsters .get a kick out of being in full control of suffering but cowards themselves.Authorities must track these “people” down it may take time but also saves lives of innocent animals !

    • I hope KARMA prevails for the former owner, absolutely despicable!Prayers for a wonderful life for this poor soul!

  13. The implication here is that some animal control agency provided a bad environment and bad care while in custody of this dog. Please have some ‘guts’ and expose this remiss taxpayer-supported governmental institution; otherwise, the state government and local taxpayers will never know about the conditions there.
    PLEASE DO NOT PROTECT an agency that needs to be exposed.

    • The dog weighed 35 pounds upon intake. Whatever you are inferring should be directed to the previous owners not animal control.

      • As a long time rescuer, I say these agencies aren’t providing the best care that they could, either. For one thing, the quality of the food is lacking. Some employees are better than others, but the people at the top should be humane and on top of who is doing what. This is not always the case.

        Unfortunately Big Pharma has wormed it’s way into the pounds. as it has wormed it’s way into everything. People need to start researching. A good place to start would be to look up People for Reason In Science and Medicine.

        I took an emaciated dog out, but I’m told to keep this short. So here it is – they vaccinated him while emaciated, within a year he developed autoimmune disease and dermal hemangiosarcoma. And finally, severe IBD. It was the vaccines that did it. Kept it short, but so much left to say.

    • Shana is correct – the dog arrived at Miami Dade Animal Services weighing just 35 pounds. He did not starve while in their care, it was before he got there.

    • Are you a complete imbecile??? Can you not read??? It was the previous owner who is responsible for this dog starving!! The Miami agency are responsible for HELPING this poor dog!!


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