HomeFeaturedMore Than A Week After House Explosion, Badly Burned Kitten Found In...

More Than A Week After House Explosion, Badly Burned Kitten Found In The Woods

Isanti County, Minnesota –  A badly burned kitten was found in the woods more than a week after a horrible explosion destroyed a home in the Princeton neighborhood. The four-month-old kitten, Miss Piggy, survived the blast but suffered burns over much of her body and damage to her lungs.

Miss Piggy has been taken under the wing of Ruff Start Rescue, who writes:

Her frail body bore the scars of burns, her paws and ears bearing the brunt of the fire’s cruelty. She was taken to a local clinic, where she was sedated for pain and treated for mildly affected lungs. Despite her condition, she is in good spirits. She wants to cuddle and has been savoring her meals.

Explaining why the kitten was surrendered to their care:

Recognizing that her extensive care and associated expenses were beyond their capacity, Miss Piggy’s previous family, grappling with their own injuries and housing challenges, surrendered her at the clinic.

Miss Piggy is a resilient kitten who is expected to make a full recovery from her injuries. The rescue agency believes that her recuperation will take approximately three months, with frequent veterinary visits and a special diet to help her recover.

Donations are being accepted by the rescue group. Click here to learn more.

Find the rescue agency on Facebook here.

More News: Sad Dog Giving Up After Living Half His Life At Shelter

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  1. It is so sad that shelters still put down animals.I live in Germany and animals are only put down when they are terminally ill.
    Shelters keep all animals that need a place to stay.Fostering is done and shelters pay for almost all costs just so animals can live in a home.


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