HomeFeaturedMan Accused Of Beating Puppy To Death For 'Tearing Up The Bathroom'

Man Accused Of Beating Puppy To Death For ‘Tearing Up The Bathroom’

A West Virginia man was arrested for animal cruelty for allegedly beating his puppy to death.

Fairmont, W. Virginia – A West Virginia man is facing an animal cruelty charge for allegedly beating his 10-week-old puppy to death. The accused man, Malaki Richardson, 20, of Clarksburg, told the authorities that he beat his boxer puppy because the pup “tore up the bathroom.”

Man fatally beat puppy (stock image of a boxer puppy)
Man fatally beat puppy (stock image of a boxer puppy via Pixabay)

As reported by WBOY News, the Fairmont Police Department was called out to an apartment on Sept. 5 after receiving a report that someone was beating their dog to death. The caller said the pup “appeared to be barely breathing, completely limp, tongue hanging out its mouth and bleeding from the mouth.” 

Another witness backed up the caller’s report, telling the authorities that Richardson, “beat the dog until it was literally dead,” and that “the dog was bleeding out its mouth and tongue hanging out.”

Responding officers did not find Richardson, or his dogs, at the apartment, but they did observe a blood-stained sheet next to puppy pee pads. The police eventually located the suspect at the Hickman Run Animal Hospital, and in a Mirandized statement, Richardson stated that “the dogs had tore up the bathroom,” and that he “grabbed [the dog] by the scruff of the neck and beat its a**,” before Richardson “admitted to hitting the dog in the front leg area four times while holding [it] in the air.”

Richardson was booked into the North Central Regional Jail on an animal cruelty charge.

Continue reading: Dog Snuck Out Of Home And Went To A Metallica Concert

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  1. THIS RIGHT HERE is why I advocate for animals way more than I do for other people. Animals have zero voice. And for some unknown reason, we’ve been led to believe that humans, since we’re at the top of the food chain, are more deserving of defense. This puppy is dead because of a INDIGNANT, SOULLESS, MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.
    This cunt will most likely get a slap on the wrist for it, and HE WILL DO IT AGAIN. Had he done this to a child, he’d be put away for at least a good chunk of the rest of his life. Is the hypothetical kid’s life any more important than that puppy’s? I don’t think it is, as both are sentient beings. (Any “speciesists” wishing to argue with me over this can go elsewhere to do battle.)
    TL;DR: This oxygen-thieving loser scum needs to be neutered with a rusty soup can lid and then curbstomped several times.

  2. POS, Karma is coming for you, there is a special place in Hell for those who harm the innocent… RIP sweet furbaby, I’m sorry your last moments were at the hands of subhuman slime…

  3. He looks really sorry for what he did doesn’t he? His impulse control, and anger management is less than zero. He brings the puppy to the vet after he beats it until it’s at death’s door, where it dies. Oh how I wish animals would never get into the hands of people like this freak of nature. So very sad that there is an excess of animals in need of a loving home, and an extreme shortage of humans worthy of providing them with one.

  4. And he will continue if not punished. The system should take this seriously. No pets ever should be in his company. Humans are next.

  5. How horrible and heartbreaking!! This freaking pos needs to beat with a steel bat. He needs his ugly face smashed in. Poor little baby 😥

  6. look at this fucking freakshow. id like to rip his eyelids off. he beat its ass? i would like five minutes with your useless ass and totally fuck you up.

    • Me too Lou. What a weak, spineless, pathetic c**t. I want to beat this POS to death. That poor little defenseless puppy died the most horrific, terrifying and painful death at the hands of a worthless maggot. JAIL TIME IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL, or do we wait for him to kill a kid because he wet the bed??


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