HomeFeaturedLolita The Whale Dies Before Being Transferred To Pacific Northwest

Lolita The Whale Dies Before Being Transferred To Pacific Northwest

Miami, FL – On Friday afternoon, Lolita the killer whale died at the Miami Seaquarium. Lolita, aka Toki, began showing signs of discomfort the last two days. Miami Seaquarium said:

 Miami Seaquarium and Friends of Toki medical team began treating immediately and aggressively.

Despite the medical intervention, the 57-year-old whale died.

Lolita spent five decades of her life in captivity. In 1970, at four years of age she was captured in Penn Cove, Puget Sound, and the remainder of her life was spent in aquariums.

In a public Facebook post, the Seaquarium said:

Toki was an inspiration to all who had the fortune to hear her story and especially to the Lummi nation that considered her family. Those of us who have had the honor and privilege to spend time with her will forever remember her beautiful spirit.

Prior to her death, the non-profit organization, Friends of Lolita, had been working to relocate the elderly whale to her native waters in Puget Sound. Advocates hoped to see the whale enjoy freedom in the twilight of her life.

Rest easy Lolita.

Continue reading: Severely Burned Cat Receiving Life-Saving Care At Maui Animal Shelter

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  1. I would be very interested to see the autopsy report when it is available. This whale had been doing well and thriving and plans were in place to move her to a sea pen…yet somehow suddenly she gets ill and dies? The owner of the park didn’t want to let this whale go because she is a cash machine. And he certainly didn’t like the negative press about how filthy her tank had become behind closed doors. Not to mention how small the tank was and the USDA did nothing to force the owner to build a larger tank for her. I really wonder if she was killed to stop the transfer because it would be costly. Of course there’s also the thought that if she was transferred that would force Sea World to release their whales which they don’t want to do. All whales should be released into a sea pen or into the ocean if they are strong enough and have the survival skills necessary. RIP dear little one, you lived a horrible tragic life away from your family after being kidnapped. I hope your body or remains will be returned the the PNW.

  2. They used her for 50 years to make money, They probably knew she was sick or near the end of her life. So they decided to “kindly” release her back to the wild or to a pen for re-habitation to facilitate release. But she died before they could do it. Now they are pissed because they have to dispose of the body. That’s what these animal parks do. Let us hope that karma will exact retribution of these soulless money changers. No animal should be put in a cage much less for 50 years. Let’s help end this cruelty.

  3. My heart is breaking, I wish she could have felt freedom one last time before her passing. No more Lolita’s!
    Let her be the last one ripped from freedom. 💔😢💔

  4. My heart is breaking, I wish she could have felt freedom one last time before her passing. No more Lolita’s!
    Let her be the last one ripped from freedom. 💔😢💔

  5. The people at the aquarium are at fault for the terrible life and death of Lolita. She should never been taken from her home. Shame on them and all the other aquariums and such that pretend to care…….these animals should stay in the oceans with their families!!

  6. I agree with the other posts. These aquariums don’t give a crap about what they put these beautiful creatures through. They tear them away from family and all for the sake of profit. They are only interested in making money from them. Bastards

  7. Why are those at the aquarium making they give a crap? They are the reason she suffered for 50 years, and they are the reason she died! STOP bringing wild animals into captivity! She was just a calf snd you tore her away from her family. Evil bastards, as are all those who pay to see these poor animals.

  8. I agree, 50 years in captivity !!! A whale needed to go home long before, You capture them, bring them to a foreign environment, where they too had friends and family and the beauty of the under sea.
    Need more love and empathy for all living beings!
    They were not created for money making and prisoners for our amusement.


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