HomeDogsLesson In Resilience - Starved Dog Is Now Ready To Be Adopted

Lesson In Resilience – Starved Dog Is Now Ready To Be Adopted

Jacksonville, FL – In April, an emaciated dog dubbed Arnold was brought to the Jacksonville Humane Society as a stray. At the time, Arnold was nothing more than skin and bones…too weak to stand, and hesitant to accept affection from the people caring for him.

But the staff’s patience paid off, and Arnold learned to trust. The animal welfare agency said:

Arnold slowly started to trust the people helping him – he would snuggle up next to them during his check-ups and looked up at them gratefully when they’d help him go outside. When they’d sit in the sun, Arnold would rest his head on their laps and give gentle kisses. 💚

Today, Arnold is happy, healthy, and ready for adoption!

Shelter Address: 8464 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, United States, Florida

Shelter phone: (904) 725-8766

Find Arnold’s adoption profile at this link.

Continue reading: Old ‘Grandpa’ Dog At Risk At Of Being Put Down At Maxed Out Shelter

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  1. Please make sure that this poor dog will never be adopted by cruel people again! Be careful with this precious soul!!

  2. I hope you go on to a much better life Arnold. I pray you are adopted by wonderful people who will love and cherish you, like every animal should be.

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