HomeAnimal RescueLaw Enforcement Rescues Puppy With Swastikas Drawn On Her Body

Law Enforcement Rescues Puppy With Swastikas Drawn On Her Body

Springfield, MO – A puppy who was covered in swastikas has been rescued in Missouri. According to Rescue One, the three-month-old mixed-breed puppy was rescued by law enforcement.

In a Facebook post, the agency writes:

Just when we think we have seen it all…

This 3 month old pup was shaved and has swastikas drawn all over her body.

According to the rescue agency, the words “Don’t feed this (explicit) dog” were also scrawled across the pup’s back. The rescue group promised to erase the hate from the young pup’s body:

She is heading for the tub to scrub-a-dub-dub all of this hate off. Only love here.

The agency

She has gotten several baths and the swastikas have faded a lot. She has met some doggie friends, taken lots of naps, and has been helpful at the clinic. We have named her Leslie and she is perfect. 🙂

This beautiful girl has a lifetime of love ahead of her. Thank you Rescue One for giving her a second chance!

Find Rescue One on Facebook at this link.

Continue reading: Dog Leads Police To Wandering Little Boy’s Home

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  1. I still think you’re a racist and people who speak like you about “woke” and “liberal” BS is very cliche and has no place in these articles and I have seen your posts b4 linking politics. What does race and if you’re a democrat or republican matter? I didn’t like Obama, Trump nor Biden and I have views on both sides. Also, racism is racism and there is racism against whites. I am the 1st one to point out when a minority states we cannot be racist against yall which is blatantly not true. ANYONE can be a racist so I never disputed that and I know what is wrong with my own culture. A lot of ignorant trash who don’t spay or neuter their pets because it makes them less “manly” or leaving them outside 24/7 and most of my culture do not see animals as things that feel. I called the cops on my own Aunt for chaining her dog outside snow or sun and never taking him to the vet. Ironically, I just called out this Mexican guy yesterday (he had Mexican plates) for leaving his dog in the car in fucking 90 degree heat with no air and a cracked window. I am Latina and I will go equal Karen on anyone that I find immoral. A scumbag is a scumbag no matter the color.

    • You can believe what you want, but I keep in touch with all my adopters and fosters and used to visit them once a year. I have moved since so it is harder, but I still keep in touch and I told them if anything ever happened that I would take the dogs back. I will acknowledge the good you have done 4 the animals so thank you 4 that. I plan to leave a will for a charity too, but the more research you do. You find sometimes they aren’t truly supporting the animals so want to make sure. Ultimately, it is laws and education that can stop the cruelty towards animals, but humans can barely get along themselves so hopefully in the next lifetime things will change which I believe the current kid’s generation now will change the world.

      • 👍 But no, I’m no racist…I hate racism. And I have not linked politics with animals on this site before. If you can find one, please link it. Racism and politics matter in this case because swastikas are all about race and politics. I agree with you on everything else regarding the animals. My heart is broken continually, every day, for what they’re put through by “humans.” Thank you for all you do for animals.

  2. I really wish I didn’t have to read posts such as the ones from VixenMinxJade or Laura. This post is about an animal being abused and the help this little dog has received. All I want to see is that an animal has been cared for and the abusers have hopefully faced justice. Are there no guidelines for acceptable posts? This is not the place for anything other than concern for the dog! Please keep all other opinions and name calling to yourself.

    • There was no good reason for that perverted “vixen” woman to reply to me with her filth; don’t lump my justified responses in with that. Nothing I said was in any way similar to her crazy trash. If you don’t want to read people’s opinions or name calling, don’t read them…don’t try to censor and cancel others unless it’s to protect children from vulgar filth like what vixen posted.
      I was tempted to do like you and complain here and ask the moderator to delete her filth…but people like her should be exposed for what they are on sites not aimed at children.
      People taking her side, or pretending I’m way out of line too, are not much better than ms. trash mouth the “progressive” hero.
      BTW, if those sadistic creeps are of the privileged victim class, they will go off scot free, if ever caught. Hooray for “progressivism.”

      • What a fucking joke lmao! Your filth is just subtle like a typical racist using politically correct “POC.” From someone drawing a Nazi sign on a BLACK and WHITE dog you brought politics and race into it. Hmm the only recent subhumans who used Swastikas were Nazis who were WHITE and hated WHITE Jews so again you’re a disgusting filthy bigot and racist who is crying wah wah don’t try to censor me, but everyone else! BooHoo! If you can’t take it. Don’t start it. I would love for your kind to say that in public and see what happens to you. Like I have said, I have seen your previous repulsive irrelevant posts and I am sick of reading your BS. This is about animals. Go vomit your delusional rantings on your pedophile boards for your republitards. I love how you call me a Biden lover and this and that. Guess what you retard. I don’t vote because all your leaders in office are the same. I actually think for myself and I am not a sheeple like you, but I sure as hell won’t tolerate racism so like I said please go jump off of a bridge. Also, what have you done to help animals? I fostered dogs in which I have 2 foster failures. I spayed half the colony of feral cats at my expense around my neighborhood and feed and water them daily. I spent hundreds on their medical bills. I am finishing the colony this year plus another neighborhood. I donate thousands a year to animal charities. So STFU you pathetic excuse of a woman and human.

        • Your claim about my posts is a bald-faced LIE. You present yourself horribly. So I have a hard time believing you do rescue work. If true, one good thing about you.
          I’ve been rescuing dogs for decades, rehoming some, keeping most for their lifetimes and giving them the beautiful adventurous lives they deserve, and seeing them out safely at the end. I found a homeless cat near dead and got a great cat rescuer to come save him. This list goes on and on.
          I’ve been fighting animal abuse including the LEGAL forms like vivisection, “farming,” slaughter, etc., since 1985. I am vegan now 14 years, vegetarian since 1986. I donate to animal rescues regularly and have some in my Will to receive our “estate.” Because I love & respect life.
          But I deplore racists, including those “of color.” White-hating racism is as vile as the rest.
          I am not a vicious raving pervert who tells decent people to commit suicide, and who lies.
          Puppy “Leslie” was painted as a “nazi” and tossed onto the streets to be further abused by anyone who found her. I doubt this was done by white racists…most likely by black racists. I hear the Mt.Vernon Missouri “family” still has other dogs as stated in a comment on Rescue One’s facebooka. If they were white, that would have been clearly stated. A white racist wouldn’t likely have used swastikas to “degrade” the puppy…a black anti-white racist is more likely.
          Further fevered ramblings from you will be ignored.

  3. Hopefully the sick twisted fucks who owned this sweet pup hav been”dealt with”. Human Filth like this need fine tuning with a sledge hammer.

  4. What an innocent little one. Who did this? Most likely a POC to whom the sweet pup represented “white.” What an even sorrier world this has become under Brandon voters. The woke are in fact mentally numb.

    • Really a POC? Why don’t you just say what you truly mean a “N.” We can tell you’re a fucking racist. Or it could be another inbred like you who hates Jews? Please go jump off a bridge.

      • “We,” says the mentally numb Brandon voter, boiling over with mindless “progressive” clichés. Get your vulgar trash mouth out of here you hate-filled misogynist out-of-control shrew.

        • Ok you racist, sexist, boomer. I have seen your past posts. You are the typical scum who spew race and politics into shit that is unrelated with the theme involved. This is about animal cruelty. Go back to the fucking 1950s where you can be a good on your knees serving her lazy fat balding husband who sees her only as a blow up doll and maid and who enjoys lynching black people as a hobby. This isn’t about “sides.” All your leaders are puppets even your Trumptard that you worship like a God. Your husband is probably an undercover gay and wears your lingerie under his suit and his mistress having an abortion right under your nose because you’re the ones always talking shit, but full of it. Toodles!

          • You’ve seen “my past racist posts,” have you? Find just ONE and share it here, as a legitimate screenshot, you miserable, pathological, lying lunatic. This animal cruelty case is primarily about race, numbskull. Most likely black anti-white racism, and abusing a poor little dog and advising people to let her starve to do so. You think they were nice to her while shaving and painting her as being a “white nazi dog”? As for the rest of your gibberish… get legitimate mental therapy and do it quickly. You awesome, intimidating badass 🙄

    • Come on!! There really is No justification, truly No reason at all to blame or link the foolish & racist doodlings of someone on/to Joe Biden!!
      Please, put your energy into finding ways to support and encourage community through cooperation, empathy, and compassion.

      • What?? Joe Biden is one of the worst racists of all time.
        You don’t know what I do or don’t do. Mind your own business.

        Biden’s History of Getting Away With Racist Remarks – the Heritage Foundation

        …and read up on your “president.”

      • Aside from that, the point was the sort of criminal’s paradise the USA is becoming under the “biden administration” with all of these insane DA’s installed by Soros $$$, where people like the creep(s) who did that to this dog have no fear of the law any more. Try using your compassion on one of those white-hating extreme racists and see where that gets you.


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