HomeNational Animal NewsLast Call For 13 Year Old Dog Abandoned At Shelter On July...

Last Call For 13 Year Old Dog Abandoned At Shelter On July 4

The last call has been issued for an elderly dog who was abandoned at a Texas animal shelter on July 4.

Update 7/28/2023: Shyla is with a shelter foster. Please continue to share for a forever home!

Fort Worth, TX – The “last call” notice has been made for an elderly dog who was abandoned at the Fort Worth Animal Care & Control facility on July 4. The 13-year-old dog, dubbed Shyla, is reported to be “very depressed” at the shelter facility, and she may be deaf.

The Texas Senior Shelter and Rescue Animals Facebook page writes:

last call for: Medical, Senior dog with severe arthritis, not doing well in shelter environment, depressed. No behavior notes.

And a volunteer said:

She is most likely deaf, so she prob appears more depressed than she is. She’s big and could benefit from grooming and some arthritis meds, and a soft spot to lay ❤️ she lays on the floor (instead of the bed) so she probably likes the coolness

Time is not on Shyla’s side. In fact, she must be tagged for rescue or adoption by 6 p.m. on Wednesday in order to avoid the unthinkable.

The information necessary to save this senior dog’s life can be found below.

Pet adoption profile here.

Located At: Fort Worth Animal Care & Control – Chuck Silcox Animal Care & Adoption Center
Description: My name is Shyla.
I am a female, grey and white Alaskan Husky mix.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 13 years old.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Jul 04, 2023.

To save this dog: You must EMAIL to place a hold on the dog! All adoption, foster, rescue tags must be sent via EMAIL: fwacctag@fortworthtexas.gov

➡️ In subject line write “last call” with dog’s name and animal #. You’ll get an automated response back first then staff will send a confirmation email. Staff checks all emails by 9am before starting to euthanize.

Note: You must reach out to the shelter directly for any and all inquiries about this dog. Animal Victory is NOT the point of contact and has no affiliation with this shelter, or this dog. Thank you!

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  1. ●I saw the Update that she is with a Shelter Foster and to please continue to share this beautiful senior pup to help her find a forever family!

    God Bless the Person Who Is Fostering This Sweet Senior!! Thank You!!

  2. Omg are you KIDDING ME!?!! I hope those subhuman POS suffer painfully and alone when they get old!! How absolutely despicable of them to do this to this poor baby!!to put her in such a scary place after having a home and family her whole life!! Please someone take her to live out the rest of her days feeling loved and not abandoned!! I had my husky until he passed away at 16,. I’ve had every pet until their last breath, I’ll NEVER abandon any animal and yes I’ve been in bad situations but I never let them suffer for my mistakes!! SHAME ON THEM!!!

  3. Give her a soft place to land a shelter is no place for a senior dog to spend the rest of their days. And she doesn’t deserve to die at the hands of shelter Folk. Bring her into your home and your heart having arthritis and maybe being deaf is not a death sentence

  4. Please dont do it… so sad and she deserves better. This is so sad and makes me very angry. Send her to me and I’ll take care of her. I am in Michigan. This is horrible to end herclife due to bad owners. It is their fault completely!

    • If you want to save her, call the shelter put in a application online and drive or fly to pick her up. Sometimes that’s the only way a animal like her will make it out of the shelter alive.

  5. Please don’t euthanize her… give her a real chance to get a foster she’s older and shouldn’t go out like that!!!


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