HomeFeaturedHorse Dies At Kentucky State Fair Horse Show

Horse Dies At Kentucky State Fair Horse Show

A horse died at the World's Championship horse show on Wednesday morning.

Louisville, KY – On Wednesday morning, in the midst of the World’s Championship Horse Show at the Kentucky State Fair, a horse died. According to the Kentucky State Fair, the horse’s rider was injured when the horse reared up and then fell.

It is unclear at this time what caused the horse’s death. The rider was evaluated on-site by emergency medical services and then transported to a hospital. The rider is said to be a minor and their current condition is unknown.

Horse dies during horse show
Horse dies during horse show

The horse will undergo a necropsy to determine the cause of death.

(Stock image of horse via Pixabay)

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  1. What is Horse’s name? — My heart breaks for the HORSE — Horse SHOW ?? — if not “racing,” it’s something else — one way or another, vile Humans conjure up ways to abuse & exploit Horses for personal gain — I wonder if we’ll ever again hear about this particular Horse — my heart breaks for Horse, who, like us, wants to live a happy and healthy life.


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