HomeAnimal RescueHeroic Officer Jumps Into Water To Save Abandoned Pups On River Embankment

Heroic Officer Jumps Into Water To Save Abandoned Pups On River Embankment

Birmingham, AL – A heroic animal control officer did not hesitate when a litter of abandoned puppies was in need of help. According to the Greater Birmingham Humane Society, the Rottweiler pups had been left on an embankment and they were unable to move to safety.

The animal welfare agency said that their officer immediately “sprang into action” after the call for help was received:

Our officer immediately sprang into action, wading and swimming through the water to rescue them.

The pups are all safe now, and the shelter is providing them with treatment for their skin conditions.

The shelter thanked the officers who saved the pups:

 A huge THANK YOU to Officer Franklin and Deputy Marshall for this amazing rescue!

Continue reading: Family moved, dumped dog at shelter with request for him to be euthanized

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  1. I’m glad they were able to save the pups why someone would be so cruel to do that to defenseless puppies is something that I’ll never

  2. Very loving and caring for the little ones in need.
    Makes you wonder where and what condition their mother is in.

  3. Very loving and caring for the little ones in need.
    Makes you wonder where and what condition their mother is in.

  4. Awesome job officers. This is what it’s about not like the 2 morons on the previous page who spent 6 minutes trying, so they say to catch 2 dogs who wondered away from home, resulting in the 2 jerks shooting these 2 dogs dead. those are people who should be fired, take their gun away and hand them a broom. they probably aren’t good at that either!

    • The two jerks are IDIOTS — SICKOS — who should be thrown in Prison — NO RELEASE until they learn to respect Animals.

  5. The world needs more people like Heros Officer Franklin and Deputy Marshall! All animals are precious and rely on our kindness for survival and love. Sadly there are still too many horrible cruel people who should not have animals and who must be punished if they are abusive sending a message that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated.


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