HomeFeaturedHeartbreak As Dozens Of Pilot Whales Die In Mass Stranding Event

Heartbreak As Dozens Of Pilot Whales Die In Mass Stranding Event

A pod of pilot whales died in a mass stranding event in Australia.

Australia – There is widespread heartbreak for dozens of whales who have died in a mass stranding event near Cheynes Beach, on the southern tip of Western Australia. Volunteers worked tirelessly this week in an attempt to save the beached whales, who were first spotted on Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday evening, the Facebook page for Cheynes Beach Caravan Park posted hopeful news about the surviving whales for those following the sad situation, writing:

Whilst the news is sad that a number of whales have been lost, as you can see by the photo, there is a chance that these whales that are in the water will be able to be saved.

But Wednesday brought a devastating update:

It is with a very heavy heart that we have to post this, the whales that had been shepherded out off of the beach re beached themselves again late this afternoon.

Sadly, the whales who beached themselves again were all euthanized because they were too weak to survive. The Facebook page said, “We along with all involved are devastated.
Again we thank all involved for their tireless efforts to try to save these magnificent creatures.”

It is unclear what caused the stranding event. Experts suspect that it could be the result of stress or sickness, but the actual cause remains a mystery.

(Image via Facebook)

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  1. ALL misery is caused by humans! God should have stopped when he created the animals, he made a big mistake to create the human race as well…..


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