HomeFeaturedGentle, Terrified Dog Held In Back Of Shelter, Has No Interest And...

Gentle, Terrified Dog Held In Back Of Shelter, Has No Interest And He Is Nearly Out Of Time

A two-year-old German shepherd has spent half of his life hidden in the back of a California animal shelter. He is terrified and needs help.

Chatsworth, CA – A gentle, albeit terrified, dog has spent more than a year of his life hidden in the back of an overcrowded animal shelter in California. The two-year-old German shepherd, Maxamillion, has been at the Los Angeles Animal Services – West Valley Shelter since July 2022.

Tragically, this scared boy has spent half of his life in a shelter, without a family or home of his own.

Gentle, terrified dog has spent half of his life hidden in the back of a shelter

An advocate shares what is known about Maxamillion’s history, writing, “Maxamillion was found by the LAPD panting and scared on July 18, 2022. He appeared injured and unwilling or unable to walk. His owner never claimed him.”

When he was brought to the shelter he was put in the back because the facility was so crowded. But kind volunteers did their best to help Maxamillion overcome his tremendous fear.

A volunteer began working with him inside his kennel by bringing cheeseburgers and sliced turkey for him and he started improving but was too afraid to leave his kennel. On January 27, 7 months after he arrived at the shelter, another volunteer was able to get him out of his kennel for the first time and he did better than she expected, but protested at times and seemed very unfamiliar with a leash.


He got better on leash as volunteers continued to work with him. 🥰

Imagine this poor dog’s tremendous fear…he was technically still a pup when the police found him. He likely escaped from his home and he was terrified to be out on his own. Rather than getting to go home, he was taken to an unfamiliar, scary building and nobody came to get him.

Now Maxamillion is on “yellow-alert,” which is the alert before a dog is tagged for the euthanasia list. This young dog may be led away to a stark room at the shelter where his life will be ended – through absolutely no fault of his own he may be put down.

Please help this pup find a reputable rescue group to take him in and build up his confidence. Please help Maxamillion have the chance to life out his life.

Information to save him below.

Adoption link here.

Located At: Los Angeles Animal Services – West Valley Shelter
Description: My name is Maxamillion and I am a neutered male, tan and black Mixed Breed.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 1 month old.
Weight: I weigh approximately 68 pounds.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since July 18, 2022.
This animal is only available to 501(c)(3) rescue groups and is not available to the public as he or she requires further behavior modification.

New Hope partners should contact Oliver directly Sunday-Thursday or the kennel supervisor Friday-Saturday.

West Valley Animal Shelter: 818-756-9325 or 818-756-9326

Note: Please contact the shelter directly. Animal Victory is NOT the point of contact and has no affiliation with this dog, or this shelter facility. Thank you.

Continue reading: Dog Rescued From Hoarding Situation Has Given Up At The Shelter

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  1. I truly hope he gets a safe and loving home! But don’t give him to just anyone, because there are a lot of psychopaths in this sick country!!!

  2. I think Marion’s heart was in the right place. No matter where anyone lives, it’s very likely they would be moved to want to help or even dream of taking this baby.

  3. What a beautiful dog. I read in the comments that he’s been adopted, but it hasn’t been confirmed yet?
    Isn’t it awful that when there are countless wonderful dogs like Max out there, abandoned, rejected and forgotten, sitting in cells, or worse, living bleak, frightening, pain-filled lives, while puppy breeders continue on their merry way creating “product” like there’s no tomorrow, as if there’s a shortage of dogs in this cruel world? Just saying, in the hope to wake some breeder fans up.

  4. Hey Stephanie, that’s great news if that’s the case but how we really know, I hope it is true for his sake, I would hope u or someone could double check …

    • Besa, I had called the shelter and spoke with someone there who checked Max’s ID # which does not open if you go on the link. You can call the shelter too to confirm. I agree with you, would be comforting to get 100% confirmation.

  5. Train this dog more so he can have a nice home. Give him to a no kill place. Do not ethenize him. Show photo on tic toc or internet. Do your job.

    • They worked very hard just to get him out of his kennel and walk on a leash. There was a rescue that saved him, they will have him fostered with someone who can work with him.
      Show his photo on TikTok ? I’d miss that for sure !
      Do your job ? Are you serious ? Odds are extremely high that those are volunteers. If that’s correct, they are amazing just for showing up ! When was the last time YOU donated your time ?

  6. I called the shelter and they said he has been adopted. A New Hope partner must have pulled him as he will need some help to adjust to a new life, with new people out of the shelter. This sweet boy deserves a peaceful life with the most loving of humans.

  7. I called the shelter and they said he has been adopted. A New Hope partner must have pulled him as he will need some help to adjust to a new life, with new people out of the shelter. This sweet boy deserves a peaceful life with the most loving of humans.

  8. I believe you have to go there to apply for Adoption/Rescue in person. We could certainly Love him too but we are in Minnesota. Poor dog, I Adopted one in 2002 from Minneapolis Minnesota, a Doberman mix. It took awhile because she had a bad start in life, afraid of men.

  9. What is the status of poor Maximillion??? People are pathetic and disgusting not to take this poor guy home…. My heart pains for him.
    Helpless on east coast

    • Call the shelter to check the status of the dog and if you want to know and consider contacting a local dog rescue in the area and offer to donate if they would consider taking this poor soul in for placement.

  10. Someone in that state must have a kind heart ❤️ to adopt that poor pup.
    Please open your heart and give give him his forever home.
    Please Please Please 💕🙏💕

    • They’re not going to send him that distance – they wouldn’t even send him to a nearby state.
      You must have plenty of dogs needing homes in your own country – why not adopt one of those?

      • Dear Joan, I think you are very rude. I suspect that Marion simply wanted to show she cares. I felt like saying the same thing when I first saw this story but did not because I see no way to get the dog to me. (And I did not want nasty remarks from people like you) That is too bad because I own my home and have five acres fenced in but these days it takes all income to maintain home and I cannot afford to make arraignments to fly the dog here. I wish I could because I have worked with terrified dogs and made friends. But then I have two dogs that might not like the idea at all. Still I do not see how my making any of these comments could possibly be a waste of time. Any comments showing concern should be accepted in that spirit. There was nothing stupid about Marion, whoever she may be in expressing concern in her own way, nor is it ever a waste of time. If reading a response is a waste of your time don’t read them!

        • Myrna, I thought the same way. I wanted to adopt him myself, my heart felt sad for him. I live in ks and out in the country.with 2 dogs and they get to roam. So I didn’t mention adoption because it would cost to much.and I don’t live in that area. But I am an animal lover.

      • yes it’s frustrating, maybe you can work toward figuring out transport as your country is a slaughterhouse…..is it really so stupid for other countries to try to step up to the plate. Please lose the condascending……I do understand how helpless you all must be feeling. I am not seeing anybody working politically however – breeders must be stopped, funds must be allocated for training and reintegrating dogs back into community, fees for adoption must be reduced to almost nothing….you have a crisis on your hands as you well know. There are many organizations now working to provide transport to other countries, yet strings like this and shelters have formed NO associations. Let’s do better

    • You mean in Australia where they kill feral cats for simply existing and kill kangaroos for their leather? Or ship out sheep in large ships where they are stuck in horrible conditions for weeks only to be killed in the middle east? Please, not a kind place for animals. And don’t post stupid comments about sending the dog because you will take them. That offer is not genuine and you know that shelters don’t ship animals out to people like they are Amazon packages. If you want to help a dog, then go to your local shelter and save a life – adopt don’t shop.


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