HomeFeaturedGentle, Social Pup Lived In A Crate All Day At His Former...

Gentle, Social Pup Lived In A Crate All Day At His Former Home – Now He Is In Danger Of Being Euthanized

Supreme is just a year of age and he is deteriorating at the Manhattan Animal Care Center.

Brooklyn, NY – What do energetic pups need? Playtime, exercise, mental stimulation, and loving attention. For a year-old pup named Supreme, none of these things have ever been part of his life.

Prior to being taken in at the Manhattan Animal Care Center, Supreme lived the bulk of his days locked in a crate. Imagine the sadness and frustration this puppy faced when he was denied the energy outlet that he craved.

And now, he is locked in a kennel run at a busy animal care center because his former owner surrendered him, citing “no time.”

Supreme’s lack of freedom…his lack of playtime, exercise, love, and mental stimulation is taking a toll. Supreme’s adoption profile states:

Supreme is on emergency placement for behavior reasons. He is described as a friendly, outgoing dog and has shown this behavior when comfortable with handlers at the care center. However, he is an active, playful dog who is deteriorating in the shelter environment

A volunteer says:

Supreme is SUPREMELY social. Gentle, friendly, and playful, Supreme greets everyone like he’s known them his entire life. He solicits play with new friends, galloping and hopping around.

Time is not on Supreme’s side. Dogs who deteriorate at the shelter are put on the list to be euthanized. You can help change Supreme’s fate by sharing his adoption information.

Find his adoption profile here.

Animal ID is #173351

Address: 326 E 110th St, New York, NY 10029
Phone: (212) 788-4000

Note: Please contact the shelter directly. Animal Victory is NOT the point of contact and has no affiliation with this dog, or this shelter facility. Thank you.

Continue reading: Gentle, Terrified Dog Held In Back Of Shelter, Has No Interest And He Is Nearly Out Of Time

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  1. Poor sweet baby. His previous owner is a jerk for keeping him crated all the time! What a pos loser! I really hope Supreme finds a loving home soon.

  2. God help this precious innocent soul who has never gotten to live the life of a pampered canine family member. He deserves to know the softness of a bed, the hug of warm person and to have the ability to run free freely and at any speeds and with other dogs. I wish there was justice for this dog. The previous owner. should be charged with cruelty to a animal or certainly neglect. Locking up a puppy for the duration of his young life. What is wrong with people. Why confine a puppy when they need exercise, play and attention? What was the point in acquiring the pup in the first place? Was the dog a Birthday or Christmas gift from someone? Did the dog outgrow his tiny kennel and took to barking at all hours and the landlord was going to toss you out? Please let someone step up to rescue this baby boy from the shelter. If anybody knows of a dog rescue in NY that might take him on, I would donate.


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