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Dog Abandoned In Stroller At Airport After Being Told She Couldn’t Bring Pooch Onboard

Dog abandoned at airport after owner was told she couldn't bring pooch onboard without a crate.

Pittsburgh, PA – A dog was abandoned in a stroller at the Pittsburgh International Airport after the owner was told that the pooch could not board the plane without a crate. According to the Allegheny County Police Department, the French bulldog was found near the airport’s short-term parking lot.

Dog abandoned in stroller at airport
Dog abandoned in stroller at airport

Thanks to the dog’s embedded microchip, the police identified the owner. The investigators’ attempts to reach the dog’s owner were unsuccessful, but airport personnel said that the owner had been informed that the dog could not board the plane without a crate, so the pup was abandoned and the owner departed.

The police said:

The investigation revealed the owner then abandoned the dog near short-term parking and proceeded to board a flight.

Dog abandoned at airport
Dog abandoned at airport

The authorities turned the dog over to the local dog warden, and the dog was transferred to the Animal Friends shelter for care. The owner is expected to face a charge of animal abandonment.


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  1. I hope she is arrested immediately upon her return and charged and faces jail time and fines. Hopefully her vacation was worth it. Breaks my heart seeing this little baby sitting in the stroller. Must have been so scared and confused. Thankfully was found and is safe. This woman does not deserve a dog. She needs to be banned from ever owning an animal again since she isn’t responsible. Please let this dog find a new home where it will be cared for as it deserves. Hope she loses everything: freedom, job when people learn what she did. STUPID EVIL POS!!!

  2. That photo of him curled up scared in that stroller hurt to see and I can’t stop crying. He sure didn’t look like a happy go lucky dog anyways and by that, I mean that he didn’t look at least to me like he was feeling well and didn’t look like he was looking for his owner. I believe he was abused by her.
    She damn well knew he needed a crate, there’s no way I will believe that she didn’t know. She’s probably traveled with him before… makes me wonder If she would have abandoned him when she got to her vacation spot!!! She’s a POS WHO DESERVES AN ATTEMPTED MURDER CHARGE AS THAT COULD EASILY HAVE HAPPENED AND I BELIEVE THAT LAWS THAT APPLY TO PEOPLES CRIMES SHOULD APPLY TO FURBABIES AS WELL AS THEY ARE LIVING, BREATHING SENTIENT BEINGS WHO FEEL JUST LIKE WE DO!!!!!!

  3. What, did this woman think that if she just showed up at the airport with a dog that the airline would say, “it’s completely against our airline regulations, but because it’s you and you have no method containment for your dog, sure, we’ll let you board, because you’re special”. I have a little tip for this idiot, check the rules of the airline you’re planning to fly with about traveling with your pet BEFORE you walk up to check in. Yeah, see,…you did it AFTER you got to the airport and encountered airport personnel. Before, good,…after, bad. Also, if it’s the case you didn’t have a crate or couldn’t afford one, how about finding someone to lend you one, or finding someone to look after your dog while you were gone. You obviously planned on taking your dog with you, you just blew off what you would need to do to do it!

  4. A horrible human that lacks respect and love for the sentient dog, she could have phoned family or a friend’s help to pick up her pet, but instead she walked away from a living being that depended on her. Heartless bitch.

  5. She wanted a vacation and didn’t have the time to check how this poor baby need to be able to board the plane. I hope she’s arrested and prosecuted to the highest extent of the law for abandonment, cruelty and endangerment. So many things could have happened 😪

  6. The so-called woman (if you can even call her that) tried to say it was an emotional support animal. She is so pathetic!! Imagine the emotional trauma is inflicted on that poor baby!!! She is a POS in the highest degree! I hope she gets stranded somewhere at her “resort” and never finds her way back!! She is a worthless POS and a waste of oxygen.

  7. Imagine being such a heartless fool as that woman is. I hope the sweet dog gets a real, good home, not with someone wanting the latest trendy, pricey dog breed.

  8. The stupid woman should have found out BEFORE she traveled what she needed to do to bring her dog on the plane. How HARD would it have been to contact the airport or a travel agent for info????
    Now that she just abandoned the dog at the airport and showed what kind of POS she is, she should never be allowed to have ANY animals ever again. I hope they charge her with whatever cruelty charges apply and not give this idiot just a slap on the wrist.

    • I just can’t believe she didn’t know the dog would have to be crated. Of course she was trying to say he was her emotional support dog. I guess she thought he was going to sit next to her. Now look who really really needs emotional support – the poor sweet adorable dog! But we know this is a blessing in disguise- she didn’t deserve this poor dog! Happy days are all ahead for this sweet dog! I just hope he will be able to wipe this abandonment right out of his mind when he gets to his well deserved forever home. It makes you wonder how many times he has been left alone while she goes away for a weekend trip with the girls! I’m sorry y’all I’m usually such a people pleaser until it comes to hearing about the abuse of a dog, or any animal be it tame or wild.

  9. What’s the “owner’s” name??? He/she should be publicly shamed!!! To whom it may concern, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS DOG to this person!! They should also obviously never be permitted to care for another animal again since he/she just can’t be bothered.

  10. I truly hope they do NOT give this horrible dog
    Owner this precious baby back
    What a horrible thing to do
    So many god awful things could have happened to it but thank god was found by authorities in time to get it to safety

    Hopefully it ends up in a home that will love it forever and never abandon it again 🙏

    Poor baby ☹️

  11. I guess the trip was more important to her. God, ANYTHING could’ve happened to that boy. I’m a BT owner myself and would adopt him if he were closer. I truly hate people.

  12. Evil bitch ~ bloody cruelty of the first degree. Callous and disgusting behaviour 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤


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