HomeAnimal CrueltyDevastating Update About Raccoon Intentionally Set On Fire

Devastating Update About Raccoon Intentionally Set On Fire

Quincy, MA – On Friday, devastating news was released about a raccoon who was intentionally set on fire by a man named Andrew Chieu. The New England Wildlife Center informed the public that despite providing round-the-clock care to the injured animal, she passed away.

The post outlines the abused raccoon’s demise:

We were so hopeful we could get her through this tragic event but the damage to her body from the burns ended up being too severe. Yesterday she underwent her third surgery to address her burns and even more tissue had become necrotic since the last procedure. We removed the damaged tissue and applied honey to help with the healing process. Her vitals were stable throughout the process.

This morning we found her more lethargic than usual and shortly after her morning meds she arrested. Though CPR was attempted and emergency medications administered, we simply weren’t able to get her back. We are all very sad today, but don’t regret giving her a chance. We know she was fighting until the end.

Chieu was arrested for intentionally setting fire to a cage containing the raccoon. He is facing felony animal cruelty charges.

Read the original story about this cruelty case here.



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  1. Throwing this kind of person in prison without therapy and setting them free to do it again is the biggest problem. Many people who do this are angry from trauma experienced in childhood, and the fact that there are more and more of these heartless cruel people among us, speaks to the lack of love and caring that children are being given in this world. And no race is any better than any other, unless the person is psychotic, it often comes from poverty and pain that has been dealt with through drugs and alcohol, and the children suffer. Many of those children become very angry and take it out on animals and others. And also the serial killers come from that, they start with animals. Our system sucks.

  2. I think the vote is in, we all want him dead. Gather the crowd and let us at the dog and cat eating mother fucker. Only the most painful torture for this one

  3. I hope this sick bastard goes to jail for the rest of his disgusting evil life. I hope he rots and burns in hell. this is a cowardly action. Please give this pos a maximum punishment and penalty. Mentally ill psychopaths like him will do it again. Justice for this innocent soul who probably was looking for food. No reason to kill an innocent creature like that. RIP my baby. May God be with you in Heaven and heal plus erased your horrifying moments. 🙏 😭💔🐾🙌✨️. please no bail! maximum punishment! 😭🙏💔

  4. I hope he gets set on fire in prison but saved just before he dies so he has to endure the same level of pain and cruelty he did to that poor innocent raccoon. Then get beaten to death. Disgusting piece of shit

  5. I hope he gets set on fire in prison but saved just before he dies so he has to injure the same level of cruelty he did to that poor innocent raccoon. Disgusting piece of shit

  6. He is a sociopath. No compassion or empathy. He will do this again if not given the maximum punishments. Prison, probation, and a lifetime ban on animal ownership or being around animals.

  7. Jail is too kind for this evil and cruel monster. He is less than human and should experience nothing less than what he did to this poor animal. Disgusting trash should not be around children, elderly, and other animals. This can’t be the first time he has done something like this to an animal. He just got caught. He should be throughly investigated.

  8. Jail is too kind for this evil and cruel monster. He is less than human and should experience nothing less than what he did to this poor animal. Disgusting trash should not be around children, elderly, and other animals. This can’t be the first time he has done something like this to an animal. He just got caught. He should be throughly investigated.

  9. Jail is too kind for this evil and cruel monster. He is less than human and should experience nothing less than what he did to this poor animal. Disgusting trash should not be around children, elderly, and other animals. This can’t be the first time he has done something like this to an animal. He just got caught. He should be throughly investigated.

  10. This is a vile act and should be punished. At the same time, the US should ban raccoon hunting which is done frequently. “Coon” dogs are taken out at night to tree coons. When a raccoon is chased up a tree, the hunter then shoots them down. If they’re not killed by gunfire, the dogs are allowed to rip them apart. Tell me what’s more cruel?


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