HomeAnimal CrueltyMan Intentionally Set Fire To Raccoon Trapped In Cage

Man Intentionally Set Fire To Raccoon Trapped In Cage

Quincy, MA – A man is facing charges for allegations that he set fire to a live raccoon who was trapped in a cage. Police arrested Andrew Chieu on Saturday after arriving to property on Royal Street in Quincy, and finding two neighbors arguing, and a burned raccoon in a cage.

Amazingly, the raccoon survived, albeit with severe injuries. The New England Wildlife Center has taken the animal into their care and issued a release about the cruel incident on Wednesday:

On the 31st, law enforcement brought us a raccoon who had been set on fire in Quincy. Unfortunately, this was an intentional act. Reportedly the trap he was enclosed in was placed over an open flame leaving the animal unable to protect himself.

Describing the extent of the raccoon’s injuries:

He suffered severe burns to his stomach, back, and paws. Raccoons have more nerves running to their hands than almost any other animal on earth, so we know this has to be extremely painful. Almost all of its fur is either completely missing or burnt from the fire. Burns this severe are extremely painful and pose a severe health risk for the animal. Besides the obvious skin damage, burns this widespread can lead to severe infection, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and blood pressure issues.

Chieu was arraigned on Tuesday in Quincy District Court on a charge of cruelty to animals. The wildlife center said:

This is an open and active investigation between the Quincy Police and Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office and we are working closely with them on this incident.

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  1. Thank God Andrew Chieu was caught and Raccoon rescued in time and Police were alerted — THANK YOU to all — we have many ways to resolve issues with Wildlife — we must NEVER abuse nor kill Animals — call Wildlife Service.

  2. this piece of garbage needs to be put off this earth….we do not need ruthless creepy evil humans like this to be on this earth….everyone even animals are not safe with sadistic humans like this one. please put him out of his misery and also set his ass on fire….an eye for an eye….what you do to others should also be done to you…..he is a waste of space and worthless POS!!!!!

  3. Can you imagine the agony and pain and fright this poor raccoon went through, only to die from burns. What kind of person would intentionally do this to an animal, especially one contained in a cage ! A Psychopath most definitely !

  4. Please no comments back, but he should’ve been put to sleep.
    And, if the raccoon was really suffering, she should’ve been put to sleep as well.

  5. Quite a few comments on here, but effort needs to be put in finding information about him so hopefully someone will seek vengeance. The shitty pathetic twisted law does nothing.

  6. Did he take lessons from that ugly, useless bitch, Alicia Kincheloe and her cunt father on raccoon burning??? Or is it the other way around??? Douse all these fuckers with petrol and throw a lit tiki torch on ’em.

  7. A yellow Slope Asian wow shocker. Asians are sub humans and this is another example. When will these Asians stop being Monsters. GIVE THIS SLOPE JAIL!

  8. This is not the first time he has done this, he just got caught this time. This is how they either eat it or dispose of trash, his kind think all animals are trash or food.

  9. What a horrible, inhumane devil this monster is. Has he no conscience?? Fine him heavily and throw his disgusting butt in jail for a very long time!!

  10. I advocate for capital punishment for anyone wilfully harming innocent life. As we do not have this law, I urge maximum punitive action, and may someone with nothing to lose bring this heinous, heartless criminal to the Justice deserved.
    The anti-Asian comments are not appreciated, BTW.

    • A yellow Slope Asian wow shocker. Asians are sub humans and this is another example. When will these Asians stop being Monsters. GIVE THIS SLOPE JAIL!

      • GFY, Stacy. Shouldn’t you be out celebrating the 3rd anniversary of J6 with the rest of the trailer trash? You’re a MAGAGAGAGA maggot for sure.

  11. There has to be a punishment for this sick man.. I am so tired of animal cruelty going unpunished.. Some time in jail and a steep fine would wake him up. ARE THERE NO SUPERMARKETS NEAR HIM! SICKENING!!!

  12. There has to be stronger repercussions for animal cruelty and abuse. He needs to have jail time and charge put on his record. Prosecute, high bail, listed on his record, can never own or have contact with an animal ever.

    • They are truly disgusting people that will torture abuse cook eat anything they find!!! They’re low lives that don’t give a shit about people let alone helpless innocent animals. These maggots need to get same things done to them – torture them hang them by their tonsils send them back to that miserable barbaric country

  13. I hope the punishment dealt out for this senseless cruelty is a felony animal cruelty charge, jail time probably won’t happen. The felony charge will impact this sad little man’s life.


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