HomeNational Animal NewsCountry Considers Slaughtering 200,000 Cows To Help 'Climate Change'

Country Considers Slaughtering 200,000 Cows To Help ‘Climate Change’

Ireland – Government officials in Ireland are considering slaughtering cows to help fight climate change. Sources report that ranchers may be offered financial incentives to voluntarily cull their herds – with a goal of 200,000 cows being culled to help achieve “net zero” emissions.

Irish farmers have pointed out that the culling of herds will simply increase the demand for beef imported from other countries. Irish politician Peadar Tóibín pointed out the short-sighted the plan is, especially if it pushes imports from countries like Brazil:

“How is it environmentally friendly to kill large swathes of the Amazon, import that beef from Brazil to substitute for Irish beef that’s been culled here in this state. It’s a significant threat hanging over farmers in this country, and we must have a debate crystallizing exactly what the plan of this government is.”

Katy Atkinson, an agricultural advocate who raises cattle in Albany County, told Cowboy State Daily about the problems with the Groupthink, tunnel-vision mentality:

“Groupthink happens a lot around the climate change conversation. We get tunnel visioned on one piece of it without considering the full ramifications of what’s going to happen if we remove cattle from the land,”

It has been pointed out that millions of bison roamed North America in the 1500s through the early 1800s and they did not negatively impact the climate, but somehow cattle, whose numbers today are similar to the bison population of the past, are now blamed for the climate crisis. Both animals are ruminants with digestive systems that produce methane emissions.

Screengrab from Flatcreek Inn

Feel free to weigh in with your thoughts about culling cattle for “zero emissions” goals, in the comment section below.

Continue reading: Woman Throws Cat Into Bag, Stealing Her From Adoption Event

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  1. For the love of God, do NOT KILL Cows — at present, they’re alive and well : keep it that way — split up into Families whereby individual Farmers will keep & maintain Cows to live in perpetuity — Visitors from all over will visit & spend time with Cows on said Farms — again, do NOT KILL Cows — moreover, NO MORE Breeding.

  2. They should better kill millions of people! The human beings on this planet are the cause of climate change, not the animals!!!!

  3. There is no climate change that the dorks can effect. You don’t kill your food that God made as clean meat . They are trying to starve people to bring them into submission. Period because they are evil. So jail them.

    The climate fark ups.

  4. This idea is utterly stupid! Besides being wasteful and cruel to the nth degree, it makes no sense at all. How about breeding less cattle to begin with. It seems just about every democratic country thinks it’s got to produce huge numbers of cattle, sheep, and so on. Dairy farmers feel they must have huge numbers of dairy cows to produce gallons and gallons of milk to satisfy consumers. Often times, more milk is produced than consumers can consume. And talk about waste, male dairy calves are taken from their mothers immediately, and sent to slaughter soon after. I’m so sick and tired of people thinking of farm animals as commodities, which of course they do. They exist to make people money, and even when they are killed off in large numbers such as they would be in this situation, they’re still going to make their owners money! As the article states, this brainless idea makes no sense. Maybe if enough people in government there come together and form one brain cell, they can come up with a better idea on how to combat climate change. My brain is still reeling at how ridiculous, cruel, wasteful and callous this idea is.

  5. HU-MONSTERS/DEVIL/BASTARDS breading in a speed of light, pushing nature to extinction…all they do eat, shit and f***, they UNDERTOOK ALL NATURE for their EXPLOTATION to serve their devil need , they don’t care to take care of nature which PROVIDES OXYGEN TO BREATH, FOOD TO EAT AND THE BEAUTY TO WHITNESS…The IDIOTS sending fatal viruses, making artificial covids, poisoning our food and water , healing with placebo/pressed floor dust so called medicine priced with enormous amounts of $ and still NOT ALLOW for us TO CONTROL A BIRTH…HOW DUMB IS THAT? …even ant smarter that that idiot evil…i will be not popular but that’s that i do -not being popular and TELLING A TRUTH- humanoids DIGGING THEIR GRAVE WITH THEIR STUPIDITY SPOON

  6. The EU and the United Nations are behind this. Originally, the plan was to cull 1.2 million cows and the Irish Dept. of Agriculture has said that this is proposal at this stage. (and I would like to sell you some ocean front property in Arizona). Beef would have to come from Brazil (where, of course, they would destroy more rainforests) to make up for the losses. This the same kind of garbage that the EU has tried on the Dutch farmers. This would not only affect the cattle/dairy industry, but also things like KerryGold butter/products, Bailey’s Irish Cream etc. The EU and the Irish government also want the farmers to divide up their land holdings and split them in half. If you have 10 acres (where you have a small herd) now it would have to be halved. The EU has monitored the Irish farmer’s fields for decades by satellite so that they don’t farm so much dairy because Ireland can outproduce most all of the rest of the nations. This was originally the farms in the southern part of the island. Now the Irish government has bought more space on other satellites to monitor the rest of the farms in the northern part of the country. We have close friends up in the north (Donegal), so we get all of the news on this subject. If you think the Dutch farmers raised hell, just wait until the Irish start.

  7. The hits just keep on comin.’ This is just one more misguided and needless to say, cruel idea to fix what will never be fixed by blaming everyone but those responsible.

  8. I do not think that culling of cattle will help the climate crisis. That’s just ridiculous! If they really want to solve anything then they need to get on the big corporations for all the pollutants they put out there. Big Corporations are the biggest offenders. You can’t expect farmers and the middle class to ALWAYS be the ones to take on all the issues, and fix everything. Start making the actual offenders have to own up!

  9. Cows are not causing climate change, we are. Placing the blame on cows is irresponsible and unethical. We are the most dangerous and ultimate invasive species on the planet and yet there is little punishment for the crimes humans commit against animals and nature which overlap. I feel no pride in being a part of this species of ours despite the many good and caring people who exist.

  10. What a ridiculous “solution”!!! Would love to meet the person who came up with this hairbrained scheme! People really need to research this climate change scam. Follow the money. Who is profiting from all of this? Sure isn;t the us little people

    • Exactly. The climate has continually changed since the Flood of Genesis. It was hot, then frozen, then melted, etc. It will always be changing no matter what humans do. God gave the earth for us to use and everything in it. If these cows are slaughtered for nothing, what about the fumes of decaying fumes of decomposition? Who’s gonna monitor that? Can’t burn them, the smoke will kill us! Can’t use chemicals, they will poison the ground and water. Gee, we should all just give up now cuz our collective expired CO2 is killing the ozone layer. It’s all a fear-mongering for control by the elite few. Common sense needs to dictate instead. Stop the CCP from all they do to destroy their resources and pollute the air….same they are doung to African countries and others, or maybe help the poor people of places like Mongolia who are being choked by open coal fires to heat their homes because there’s no reliable or affordable electricity for them. I’m sure they were mandated Covid vaccines while they suffer with major lung/breathing and related health issues breathing in soot every day. The world priorities are for the elite to monitor and control all facets of life of the people while they submit to no authority or rationing of goods or privilege. The WHO, the UN, NATO have become the enemy of common sense and individuality and the Green New Deal is an equalization process to take from the middle guy to eliminate a middle class anywhere.

  11. these fucking people need some real serious help along with the string of assholes in this country as well. slaughter all these animals further effecting their countries economy and food supply and the benefit would be about as noticeable as a pimple on a grizzly bears ass. these people need to get a grip or help climate change by eliminating themselves.

    • Great comment. These climate change nutcases need to clean up a roadway, a beach, the streets, parks, stop buying balloons and water bottles, recycle, repurpose and reuse, you know, something that will actually help the environment. Spare me thier self righteous, sanctimonious, self serving BS for the sake of social media hits.

      • Agree 100%! Now the animals must pay, pay for their years of ignorance to make a change! Goverment leaders fail the people in so many ways … maybe they must stick to their “ politics” and let the experts deal with what they know best to doin resolving climate change!

      • Senate had a session with 7 head of companies who were charging climate changing due to our pollution. None knew what the CO2 was ! The Senator replied it’s ok I have the number..
        It is .0004%…..that’s right not even 1%……this is all BS…It is normal for weather change sense the world turns, right. Science says the world turns….not because of our CO2 being .0004%.

    • I totally agree with Lou! That would be a deranged pathetic thing to do not only to the animals but the economy and farmers! What ignorant idiot came up with an asshole idea like that and whoever did needs to be put in an assylum for the rest of their life

    • Sole cause of climate change is ever growing human DEVILS overpopulation. More the human DEVILS population more the pollution, more the pollution causing stationary & mobile sources, more forests will be destroyed to build homes, pollution causing factories, Start culling human DEVILS left, right, center till their population becomes half. And make a univerasl law of one child only per human DEVIL

      • EXACT…HU-MONSTERS/DEVIL/BASTARDS breading in a speed of light, pushing nature to extinction…all they do eat, shit and f***, they UNDERTOOK ALL NATURE for their EXPLOTATION to serve their devil need , they don’t care to take care of nature which PROVIDES OXYGEN TO BREATH, FOOD TO EAT AND THE BEAUTY TO WHITNESS…The IDIOTS sending fatal viruses, making artificial covids, poisoning our food and water , healing with placebo/pressed floor dust so called medicine priced with enormous amounts of $ and still NOT ALLOW for us TO CONTROL A BIRTH…HOW DUMB IS THAT? …even ant smarter that that idiot evil…i will be not popular but that’s that i do -not being popular and TELLING A TRUTH- humanoids DIGGING THEIR GRAVE WITH THEIR STUPIDITY SPOON

      • Well do us all a favor then, DON’T REPRODUCE. God gave us this land, animals, and the knowledge of what to do in every situation, murdering all animals isn’t one of them, that is simply a knee jerk response to stupidity, if indeed the earth is warming so badly it is coming from the core, the earths core is the heat, and again God will handle the situation, nobody should make anything else suffer so badly like that

      • OMG ! We are not over populated… Where did you get that information? China playbook. I think with the Drugs being shipped over from China to Mexico flowing in our country killing 100,000 so far, looks like there’s a killing going on. Then you take Covid poisoning another how many all over the world from China…isn’t that enough…

      • I partly agree. Leave the precious wildlife and their habitats alone.
        Too many people reproducing which is destroying the world. I say no more than 2or3 kids to a
        Family. Stop killing Animals Stop
        Destroying the environment. This
        Is their world . Humans are suppose to take care protect
        Wildlife all animals and the environment.

    • The cows will be killed anyway dont folks eat meat whats the difference whether one at a time or all together.Best thing is to go Vegan no problem then no killings no meat job sorted.Farmed animals are slaughtered every day arent they?


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