HomeAnimal RescueCode Red - Young Dog At Risk Of Being Euthanized For Space

Code Red – Young Dog At Risk Of Being Euthanized For Space


Fort Worth, Texas – A young dog, just two years of age, is at risk of being euthanized because of space issues at the Fort Worth Animal Care and Control facility. Her name is Sia, and she is listed as a Husky/Samoyed mix.

Volunteer notes provide insight into Sia’s personality and demeanor:

Out in the play yard she would initially walk/run away when approached. Very cautious and unsure about coming close for pets or treats! But after 30 minutes we were friends and would come up for treats, get a few soft pets and even gave kisses.

Sia is gorgeous and she would make an excellent companion…if given the chance. Please take a moment to network her information – your “share” could be the one that saves her life.

Sia ID#52615597
2 yr old, not spayed Female 53lbs
Siberian Husk/Samoyed
Intake Date: 5/9/23

DO NOT CALL THE SHELTER! It goes to the city call center; not the shelter. All communication with the shelter is through email.
Adoptions must be done in person from 12-6 pm when the shelter is open to the public.
To save this dog: You must EMAIL to place a hold on the dog! All adoption, foster, and rescue tags must be sent via EMAIL: fwacctag@fortworthtexas.gov
➡️ In the subject line write “last call” with dog’s name and animal #
🏠These dogs are located at Fort Worth Animal Care & Control-SAC, 4900 Martin Street, Fort Worth, TX 76116

Continue reading: Lesson In Resilience – Starved Dog Is Now Ready To Be Adopted

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  1. The people working at that shelter are no animal lovers, that’s clear, for them it’s just a job! How can they euthanize so many lovely dogs? Don’t they have a heart? Don’t they care at all for these precious animals??? This is absolutely barbaric!!!

  2. Why does the shelter make it difficult for adoptions to take place by having no phone contact but only email, limited hours when most people work? It sounds that they really are not the voice for compassion, dedication and watch guards for animals in the community.

  3. I can’t do anything from Washington State as you require in person applications. Why do you not allow for out of state adoptions? There are people who would pay for transportation. If I were not old and already with two dogs I would and could pay for transportation. I can’t be the only one. You should never kill without trying everything.

  4. This is so wrong on so many levels, this pup is only 2 years old and has so many years ahead of her. That’s ridiculous that they are going to euthanize her for space, just so wrong, horrible. She is beautiful and she deserves life, family, happiness not death!! This has to STOP, SAVE HER!!!!!

  5. What a beautiful dog !! This is horrific
    & should be stopped !!
    In uk Dogstrust never ever put a healthy dog to sleep they raise funds by people sponsoring each of them on a monthly donation why carnt this shelter & others do this I’m sure lots of folk would !! Rather than this barbaric system just for space ?

  6. It’s beyond shameful that a few have to clean up the mess the majority make by being irresponsible, neglectful, clueless animal ‘guardians.’ Pitiful lot that think the shelters should take out their ‘trash’ when it’s them that should be disposed of immediately!

      • AMEN!!! It breaks my heart that these idiots kill animals just to make room. Kill shelters should be banned, PERIOD!! I’m all for putting animal abusers and killers to sleep.

  7. Poor beautiful defenseless INNOCENT Sia has been reduced to “last call” in a subject line of an email??? WTF has happened to the human race??? Sia is a living, breathing, vibrant soul!!! Humans have no right to so easily snuff out the life and light from her gorgeous eyes that tell her story of such yearning to thrive!!! COMPASSION, HUMANS!!! Nothing and no one will ever love you back unconditionally…EXCEPT FOR THE NEVER-ENDING DEVOTION OF A DOGGO!!! SIA NEEDS HER PERSON!!! BE THAT PERSON WITH A HEART AS BIG AS HERS!!!

  8. My dog currently has cancer and won’t be around much longer. I’d adopt her if I wasn’t in TN. She’s beautiful. Such a shame.

  9. I would LOVE to adopt her can someone adopt and help with transportation, I live in NJ I can’t get to Texas quick enough. Please I’m willing to take her she is beautiful. 570-279-0205

  10. Absolutely wrong and heartbreaking! Healthy shelter dogs like sweet Sia deserve a second chance! There are organizations like Pilots to the Rescue and Flights for Freedom that fly overcrowded shelter pets to areas where pets are in demand. Please look into this for Sia’s sake and all shelter pets in danger of being put down due to overcrowding.

  11. Oh my God animals are being killed everywhere!!!!!!! What in the world is going on????? Are humans not doing what they should … like not producing more dogs etc > The death rate of these places is horrible and there does not seem to be a end to it. On top of the abuse, dog fights , throwing animals away like their trash and so on, the list of horrible treatment of animals is not just shocking but pure evil ! We must find a way to put a stop to all of this !

  12. Texas shelters are known for putting dogs to sleep. There is too many strays. The state should start holding the owners responsible instead of killing the innocent dogs.

  13. Like everyone said, this is very wrong. Because of overcrowding. In many other states the rescues, and shelters, work together to try to relocate animals to another place that has the room.
    But, I expect nothing less from Texas. Southern states, and their citizens, do NOT take care of, nor treat their pets with the love and affection they deserve. They get a dog then tie/chain them outside for the duration of their lives. Such a shame! Why even get a dog. The animal cruelty laws need to be changed in Texas. But with a POS Governor like Abbot Texas’ pets have no chance of a proper life.
    Texans, please, for the love of God, STOP getting dogs. You do not know how to properly care for them.

  14. It’s a terrible time for shelter dogs. In Ca they are killing young dogs every day – a lot od huskies and German Shepherds. Just terrible. I hope Sia gets saved

  15. She should be moved out of there. She is young and beautiful. She should not be killed just to make space. Someone out please adopt her.

    • Iagree why put this dog to sleep due to over crowing come on people another dogs life s at risk her name is sis#is 52615597 I Ofer to save the dog you must do a email fwacc@forth worthtexas.gov

  16. That’s not fair. She should be moved to another shelter or given a loving home. Why should she have to die just because they’re overcrowded!?

  17. Unless something suffering irremediably, no animal should be euthanized. Please get this beautiful dog into a loving home, or at least contact no kill shelters. She would get adopted in a heartbeat here in NY.

    • 🙏🏼 Who will save this wonderful girl🐕 Who will give her some love and affection and be twice blessed by her gentle soul thanking you for a blessed home and family.
      Just thought about that sing from ‘Oliver’ the movie. Who will buy these sweet 🌹 red roses, who will buy this wonderful feeling. We currently have a total of 12 🐕 in our three households. All rescue dogs/canines. Gluck and much respect! 😉

    • The South is such a disaster. They kill so many young beautiful innocent animals because they have no room in all these kill shelters because all their humans have failed them. The humans walk away with no accountability and the animals pay with their lives. It is so wrong. The shelter system is so broken in this country and Texas is the absolute worst.


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