HomeDogsCalifornia Woman Faces Multiple Felony Charges For Taping Dogs' Mouths Closed

California Woman Faces Multiple Felony Charges For Taping Dogs’ Mouths Closed

Irvine, CA – A 21-year-old California woman is facing multiple felony animal cruelty charges after the police discovered dogs at her residence with “heavy-duty” tape around their snouts. According to sources, Gabriela Barrera was arrested on Tuesday after Irvine Police officers responded to her home after receiving a tip on Saturday about whimpering dogs on her porch.

When officers went to Barrera’s home on Saturday, they found a total of seven dogs, including puppies. When questioned, Barrera admitted that she had taped the dogs’ snouts to keep them from “barking or biting.”

Investigators found contractor-grade tape inside Barrera’s home that matched the tape on the dogs’ snouts. The dogs were removed from the home and taken for a health evaluation; they were found to be “in decent health.” The dogs will be held at an area shelter until the investigation is complete.

Anyone with information is asked to reach out to Irvine Animal Services Officer Al Gonzalez at 949-724-7087.

misdemeanor animal cruelty

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  2. If dogs are returned to them then there is something wrong with our system. Dogs bite when they are scared or mistreated. Why would they want to keep dogs? Dog fighting? Breeding? But surely not because they love dogs. Hope a long prison sentence awaits this monster and her fellow inmates are dog lovers and she gets what she deserves.

  3. Give her the most jail/prison time allowed by law. She is a disgusting person. Once released she will kill more dogs.

  4. I don’t understand why people do this…theres been enough on tv about others doing it and the jail time and fines but they continue to do it…what don’t they understand?? It’s wrong, it’s cruel…your pets will be taken from you..those poor babies don’t deserve this! I agree with others..tape her mouth shut so she’s unable to get it off. Can’t drink or eat…like she did to them!

  5. Imprison this monster. She should never be permitted to own another dog. She is an animal abuser. Trash.

  6. Tape her mouth shut, tape her hands and feet and toss her into the river. Another waste of skin that REQUIRES PERMANENT DISPOSAL from Earth!!!
    Now we can await her NEXT ASSAULT CHARGE in the future!!

  7. This sick low life evil slob should be prosecuted to the fullest and never own another animal. This insane cruelty to innocent animals MUST BE STOPPED.

  8. She should be out in jail with her mouth taped shut!! I pray she doesn’t get those dogs and puppies back!!

  9. SIGN SHARE — Woman Faces Multiple Felony Charges For Taping DOGS’ Mouths Closed — Do NOT RETURN Doggies to Abuser — she will REPEAT her Brutality — ensure Doggies find loving HOMES —

    • I do not understand why people in the US are allowed to own so many dogs. It should be limited to 3 max. Also why do judges in your country usually return these poor dogs to these abusers. She should face jail time, a hefty fine and banned from owning pets. A petition should be started to present to the judge and animal lovers fill the court. The judge would then be forced to impose a strict sentence. Lastly the law should be changed to guardian not owner, which would make it easier to remove them and not be returned. What do you think???

      • true, in many places the law will give the dogs back. we r trying to change that by changing the law. An organization called Beagle Freedom Project is trying to do that in CA. Their website and Animal Victory r doing the petitions. I would love to see more people show up in court and at protest/rallies for the animals. Sadly Americans r known for ‘trying everything but what works’ till the last minute. I personally had 7 dogs at one time. As a holes kept abandoning them on my property. It appears this woman may have been breeding the dogs. Maybe unintentionally, maybe not. So we also need a spay/ neuter law. And a breeders law with limitations. But then we have to fight the NRA and the Kennel and hunting clubs. Got an extra billion dollars I can have to make this a reality? No, me either.

      • Each jurisdiction dictates how many dogs u r allowed to own. In CDA, it’s 3 in cities, in order to have more than 3 u must retain a Breeders licence only available to rural locals.

  10. Evil, sheer EVIL. She is the one who should have her mouth taped shut. Let her experience what it feels like.

    • This stupid woman looks like an illegal and no wonder the poor animals were suffering.These parasites are incompetent and incapable of proper care of animals

      • they aren’t parasites, they r people…many a white man does the same or worse to dogs. many mexicans love and take great care of their pets. that woman may look like an illegal but she may be an american citizen too. can u really tell from a picture? U R just a bigot and your comment is vulgar. makes u look like the stupid one.

        • Well most if not all throw their used shity toilet paper in the trash or on the floor, just bc you don’t have proper sewage in Mexico doesn’t give them the right to continue the nasty disgusting habit here, so really who is or not a parasite? At least Americans know to throw their shity used paper IN THE TOILET where it belongs. Many a white man does this too. we have proper sewage systems in this country. Maybe that is why the smell changes the second you get across the border from San Ysidro to Tiajuana, smells kind if like death and shit, they don’t clean up the dead animals either just let them rot until deteriorated completely yes, yes its true i lived there for 9 months in 2 area, Tiajuana, Rosarito Beach same shity smell.

      • It is well known that alot of Hispanics don’t treat animals very well, and blacks for that matter, i suppose it depend on what type of nationality you are around, to them dogs are dirty, when in fact if someone can’t even be taught to throw your used toilet paper in the toilet they are the dirty ones. it is just a dog, get another one they think, if they come across the border with no Americanized teachings, they feel this way. They will also opt to tying rubber bands around the testicles to neuter the males, females are merely money makers too. I know i will catch hell for saying this but its a fact. I have 10 all small, breeds, all but 2 are taken away from bum neighbors who didn’t, wouldn’t care for their dogs, the other 2 i plucked off the street to rescue

        • And of course there’s no shit in America is there? How many illegal dog-fighting rings have you got going on? What about the people who keep dogs chained outside in any weather? How easy to look down your very big nose at others Goodness! Your opinion of yourself is soooo great!

      • How disgusting that you actually have several thumbs up for making such a nasty, vicious, racist comment which you have you no idea to be true. Get someone to pour bleach into your foul mouth and shrink the size of your over-inflated head.

    • Why don’t you lobby the animal services
      Start a petition do something action speaks louder than words. Here in Toronto a man was charged with leaving dogs to starve to death. A petition was started and the court was filled with animal lovers. Rather than let him off lightly like before he was given a year in jail, fined thousands of dollars and banned from owning pets. Petitions work. It would be absolute madness if they are returned to this abuser. In that case animal services would be responsible for any further abuse that they would endure which would be a 100 pct. by the way we cannot own unlimited animals


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