HomeNational Animal NewsZookeeper Dies After Tiger At Roadside Attraction Mauls Him

Zookeeper Dies After Tiger At Roadside Attraction Mauls Him

Last week, a 23-year-old man died after being mauled by a tiger who was kept at a roadside zoo in Periban, Mexico. Shocking video footage shows the moment the tiger grabbed hold of Jose de Jesus’ hand.

The zookeeper can be heard screaming as the tiger pulls him towards the fencing. The man was finally freed from the tiger’s grip, but he died of a massive heart attack after being taken to a hospital, where he had refused to let medical professionals amputate his mangled hand.

In a press release, PETA explains why people should avoid visiting these types of tourist traps:

Confined to small, filthy enclosures and denied the space, diverse environment, and freedom they need to thrive, animals imprisoned at roadside zoos are often deprived of adequate food, water, shelter, and veterinary care. Relentless frustration, loneliness, and abuse from the people who are supposed to care for them drive many of the animals insane.

Using big cats and their cubs, primates, and other animals as photo props, the operators of these cruel attractions lure in visitors who may not be aware of how the animals suffer. Many volunteers and workers at such facilities have been mauled.

As reported by the Mirror, the owner of the roadside attraction released the video in order to show that Jose de Jesus was at fault; the tiger’s owner has stated that he has the necessary permits to operate his facility.

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  1. I have no sympathy for that stupid idiot! The tiger is a wild animal and it’s in an unnatural setting, bother it and you’ll pay the consequences. Roadside zoos need to outlawed!

  2. How stupid are you to stick your hand in there. They will probably kill the tiger over it. The tiger should not even be there in the first place. This is disgusting in so many levels. Close these damn places down.

  3. Serves him right! Who teases an already frustrated animal. Even a human would go mental stuck in the same place for years…
    This tiger and all those animals at such places need to be rehomed to sanctuaries

  4. I can not summon any sympathy for this man. He stuck his hand through the fence and a tiger will be a tiger. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE BIG CATS IN CAGES!!!!! If I was caged up instead of roaming an accredited sanctuary I’d attack everyone at every opportunity. People need to stop patronizing road side zoos!! The government needs to step in and confiscate the animals from road side zoos.

  5. Have no problem with what happened. This is what happens when you take wild animals and abuse them. It IS the OWNERS FAULT!!!

  6. Big cat, doing exactly what a big cat is quite capable of doing.
    Karma, for an ignorant zookeeper, for….reaching his hand INTO the cage.


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