HomeNational Animal NewsZoo Temporarily Closes After Pack Of Wolves Escape

Zoo Temporarily Closes After Pack Of Wolves Escape

A zoo in southern France was forced to close its doors after a pack of nine wolves escaped from their enclosure last week. As reported by BBC News, the wolves got out of their enclosure during visiting hours at the Trois Vallées zoo.

Visitors at the zoo were quickly evacuated and though the wolves did not escape the zoo itself, they did manage to “destroy safety latches and climb a fence.” Officials shot and killed four of the wolves and tranquilized the remaining animals. Zoo owner, Sauveur Ferrara said:

“Due to the abnormal and dangerous behaviour of some of them, four wolves were sadly killed by the park personnel.”

As the zoo addresses security issues at the facility, the doors remain closed. On the zoo’s website, a notice reads:

Due to urgent works the Zoo is closed from December 23 to mid-January 2022!

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  1. One more reason to close zoos everywhere. Animals belong in the wild, not in cages!!! I am so sorry for the wolves who have been shot, but equally sorry for those who have to go back to their prisons!!!

  2. Live and let live!!! The zoo did NOT have to kill those wolves; they could have been tranquillized like the others, but man’s mentality is to kill, kill, kill….to the point of extinction!!! I am so disgusted!!!!

  3. So they kidnapped these wolves from where they actually belong and killed them due to the zoos negligence in securing their enclosures.

  4. J’aimerais savoir SVP. Please explain what is considered” “Due to the abnormal and dangerous behaviour of some of them, four wolves were sadly killed by the park personnel.”

    wolves in France have always been savagely attacked, historically from the 16th century on.

  5. Surely a zoo would have access to tranquilizing darts, and these wolves could have been saved! according to the information provided here they were contained by the zoo’s perimeter fencing and would have been separated from the zoo’s prey animals by those animals’ enclosures, and therefore posed no immediate threat. What a travesty to take these animals (or their parents) from their actual habitat, where normal wolf ranges can be hundreds of miles, to entertain humans; then we killed them for attempting to get back to an unconfined setting.


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