HomeCatsZoo Mourns Death Of Senior Tiger, Chelsea

Zoo Mourns Death Of Senior Tiger, Chelsea

Atlanta, GA – This week, Zoo Atlanta announced the passing of a senior Sumatran tiger named Chelsea. According to the zoo, Chelsea was 20 years of age and had been suffering from chronic health conditions, particularly kidney disease, and her veterinary team made the difficult decision to humanely euthanize her.

In a release Sam Rivera, DVM, Vice President of Animal Health, said:

“This is a devastating loss for Chelsea’s care team and for Zoo Atlanta. Chelsea was a magnificent cat with a tremendous legacy here at the Zoo. While decisions like these are always heartbreaking and are never easy, our teams had reached a point where we knew that this was the most responsible and compassionate decision for Chelsea.” 

Chelsea had resided at the zoo for 18 years, and she gave birth to cubs Sohni and Sanjiv in 2011; they now live at other Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited organizations.

Rest in peace Chelsea.

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