HomeNational Animal NewsZoo Mourns Death Of Beloved Gorilla

Zoo Mourns Death Of Beloved Gorilla

Pittsburgh, PA – On February 1, the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium announced the death of Mrithi, a 31-year-old silverback western lowland gorilla. According to a news release from the zoo, Mrithi experienced a “sudden decline” and passed away during a procedure meant to diagnose his condition.

Mrithi was the first gorilla born locally at the Pittsburgh Zoo; he went on to become one of the most beloved animals at the zoo. The zoo said:

Mrithi became silverback of the group in 2005 after the passing of his father. He sired three offspring with Moka: Ivan (born April 11, 2013), Frank (born May 25, 2018), and, most recently last summer, Bo (born May 11, 2023). He is also the father of Charlotte, who was born last Valentine’s Day to Ibo.

Karen Vacco, Assistant Mammal Curator commented:

“Mrithi was a wonderful father and played often with his boys. It wasn’t unusual to arrive in the morning to happy rumbles (gorilla laughing) coming from the gorilla bedrooms to find a ball of rolling gorillas with Mrithi in the middle. His favorite thing in the summer was to roll in the pool then tumble in the grass to dry off.”

Mrithi will be missed by zoo staff and visitors. Rest in peace.

(Images via screenshot/Pittsburgh Zoo)

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  1. So sad he never experienced life as a gorilla should. RIP, Mirthi. I hope you’re in a better place, running free with other gorillas. 💔

      • Gorillas are very frequently killed by poachers in the wild and are at risk as a species so captive breeding programs are vital. He may well
        not have lived so long if in the wild.


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