HomeCatsWoman’s Cats Are Prolific Neighborhood Thieves

Woman’s Cats Are Prolific Neighborhood Thieves

Darley Abbey, Derby – A woman has turned to Facebook in an effort to reunite stolen items with their rightful owners. According to Donna Hibbert, her cats (Harry and Luna) are prolific thieves who have been snagging neighborhood items for years!

Hibbert outed her mischievous felines in a Facebook group in April, describing the slew of items her pets have pilfered through the years:

So my cats are thieves and have brought many objects through the cat flap over the years, a baseball cap, sausages, cat meat pouches, slippers, socks and even a shoe!

She apologized to the people who may have thought they were losing their minds as their items seemingly vanished:

Over the past 2 weeks they have brought me the pictured! I thought I best start posting the treats on here because somewhere there is someone thinking they have gone mad with misplacing things! You haven’t! It’s my cats and I can only apologise. If the belongings are yours and want them back, do PM me. Thanks! Donna x

As reported by BBC News, Harry is the usual culprit in the cat burglaries. She tells the new agency that Harry will grab items from clotheslines, and even from inside homes, “If he sees an opportunity, he takes it.”

Some people have recognized their items from HIbbert’s Facebook post:

And others have shared their own cat’s thieving ways:

Do you have a cat who likes to bring you “presents?” Feel free to share your own stories in the comment section!

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  1. I’ve read and seen numberous accounts of cat “burglars”! 😉
    But amusing as they are, cats deserve indoor-only environments, where they’ll be safe and healthy. No matter where they live or what people have “always done,” we need to be responsible and caring of them!


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