HomeHorsesWoman Brings Horses Inside Her Home To Escape The Bitter Cold

Woman Brings Horses Inside Her Home To Escape The Bitter Cold

Niobrara, Nebraska – A Nebraska woman went to extreme measures to ensure that her horses would not suffer in the bitterly cold weather. When the temperature plunged below zero, Kelly Rowley decided to bring her horses inside her home.

Rowley tells KTIV News that the horses were scared at first, but their desire to be out of the cold was stronger than their fear. Most people have praised Rowley’s actions, commending her for showing compassion to her horses.

Would you bring horses into your home to spare them from enduring bitterly cold temperatures?

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  1. Yes I would do that, but first I would put down tarps or even cut up some empty feed bags, then cover with shavings or straw. If you thought cat pee would mess up your floors, well…!

  2. She is a good example why living on this Earth is worthwhile. I would certainly bring them in if they can climb my steps. God bless that sweet lady.

  3. Horses in good weight with 24 hour access to hay and water that have grown a winter coat are adaptable to cold weather. They should have shelter available but most will choose to stay outside. Blanketing them may or may not be advisable depending on age and physical condition. Being brought into a heated house may well cause problems for them when they go back outside.

  4. Many animals, both domesticated and wildlife, will not survive this bitter, cold weather. For me, there is no other choice but providing a heated barn and lots of blankets or bringing them in the house.

    • yes I would definitely bring in my horses 🐴🐴 from the zero temperatures that are freezing 🥶🥶 cold it’s been freezing 🥶🥶 cold a few places like in Utah were my friend lives it is below zero with a lot of snow ❄️🌨️❄️ right now there and they are in a snow ❄️ blizzard 🥶🥶 here it’s freezing cold weather and I’m in California southern California so Fresno CA near the mountains 🏔️ there it’s a ton of ❄️❄️❄️❄️ snow. we got rain 🌧️🌧️ last night plus it’s just been a freezing 🥶🥶🥶🥶 cold winter every night 🌃 . but God bless her for bringing in her beautiful 🐴🐴🐴 horses into her home 🏡 just so beautiful I 💕 love horses 🐴 they are just so amazing and perfect they are perfect for the soul they heal the soul too same with 🐶 dogs and 🐈 cats. 1/17/2024 . I love ❤️ horses love animals they know when a human loves them they can feel you it’s weird like that.


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