HomeDogsWoman Adopts Dog Who She Helped Save From Being Strangled By Owner

Woman Adopts Dog Who She Helped Save From Being Strangled By Owner

Wheat Ridge, CO – A young dog who was being strangled by her owner earlier this month has found a permanent home with the woman who discovered what was happening and helped save her life. On December 3, the Wheat Ridge Police Department said that a woman heard a “terrible noise” coming from inside a car parked outside of a Walgreens store.

The woman sought help from an employee named Rita, who rushed outside to see what was happening. Rita saw a woman attempting to strangle a dog with a cell phone charging cord. According to the police, Rita and other employees sprang into action to save the dog – in the mayhem, the dog escaped from the car.

Thanks to Rita and her manager’s quick thinking, the dog was captured and secured until the authorities arrived at the scene.

Hero employee, Rita, who helped save Roni’s life.
And on December 28, the police department provided the happily-ever-after update that people were waiting for, writing:

Just in case you’re feeling a little Grinchy after the holiday, here’s an update that will undoubtedly warm even the iciest heart:
Remember Roni, the little dog who was strangled by her owner inside a car in a Wheat Ridge Walgreens parking lot? Last week, after all the proper procedures for her to be eligible for adoption were complete, Roni was indeed adopted… by Rebecca, the customer who first spotted her in distress and contacted Rita, who ultimately saved her life.
Roni is now Maizie, and as you can see she’s got a little buddy. Rebecca says she is flourishing in her new, loving home. 


We couldn’t be happier for all of them. Thank you Rita, Rebecca, and you— our kind-hearted community members who showed an outpouring of care and concern for this sweet girl who deserved (and now has) so much better.

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  1. Very nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. In any case I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!

  2. So happy and relieved that this little pup found a loving home. What happened to the monster psychopath who tried to strangle her? I hope there were some appropriate consequences and that she will be prohibited from ever having another animal again in her wretched life.

  3. I’ve known Sue, for 37 years and have never known a more dedicated person in my life then Sue. EVERYTHING Sue tells you about the Police and K9’s is the TRUTH. She wrote a book all about it. Please go to her website. (scroll down to her comment- Web In Blue) Many times Sue and I have cried on the phone together over how CRUEL they treat all of the dogs. They have broken the necks of PUPPIES hanging them in so-called “Training…”


  5. So happy for the sweet little dog! Thank goodness for the wonderful lady who saved her life! Some people can be so cruel.

  6. Very happy to hear this sweet little dog is now in a loving home 🤍 However, is there an update on the previous owner? Deserves to be behind bars, cannot comprehend how anyone could do such a horrid thing.

  7. A bunch of them should’ve done to the owner what she had been doing to that sweet, gentle puppers! Some people deserve nothing, nothing but i convince, nothing but negative things in their life! She seriously needs her azz beat!

  8. Know what’s sad? I worked in law enforcement, and K9’s (military and paramiitary which is police, sheriffs, etc.) get strangled all the time. They get hanged until they go unconscious. Repeatedly. Some handlers don’t like it, but have to go along with it, others love hurting the dogs, and repeat this cruelty off the “training field” for personal amusement and showing off.

    It is very much covered up and lied about, but I will not stop telling people until they start looking into it and aren’t fooled by the lies anymore. http://www.stopk9torture.com

    • Ugh, that enrages me to hear. It doesn’t matter on the country, or culture, or profession, animals always always always seem to get the sh*t end of the stick in life. Military and police K9 dogs are being forced into unwilling servitude as it is and this is how they’re treated on top of it? Disgusting. Not to mention that nearly every police officer (as well as every criminal, for that matter) out there has, at any given time, chewed up pieces of a tortured animal in their stomachs too. Animals always finish last. It really does enrage me.

    • Thank you for your efforts to bring this abuse to the forefront. I’m sure that most people would be appalled about this IF they were aware it was happening. Like most people we see the occasional stories about a handler abusing his dog or leaving them in a hot car for hours. But we have no idea the rate at which it is happening. This also enrages me to my core. I had no idea the abuse was that rampant. Every single day it seems that is, yet, another species that humans are abusing and pushing towards extinction.

    • Whhaaat?!! You need to report that to the attorney general office of your state and get ready to name names!! You can do it anonymously! Also the town mayor needs to know! Refuse to do nothing about it please, please do something about it. If you do nothing about it the animals continue to suffer

      • The website is mine, and as you can see, I’ve named names, in defiance of warnings. But it’s not just that department. It’s everywhere.

        I have done all that you mentioned and more, and all I’ve gotten for it was harassment, threats, and yes, attempts on my life. I’ve been an activist for a very long time and found out things you have apparently yet to discover about government agencies.

      • It’s very likely going on in your area too, anywhere where there are police K9 units. But when they put on a public relations show, I wonder if you would be fooled like most everyone else is. One needs to be behind the scenes to witness the reality of this “training.” One person, in Sue, cannot do all of this on her own. Looks like she’s done a whole lot, including what you accused her of not doing, and has mainly been ridiculed, doubted and threatened for it. Far more people need to get involved in exposing this all over the country/world, or the dogs will continue to be tortured.

  9. What is wrong with that woman that she would strangle a dog? It is always beyond me how people can do such horrid things to animals. Thank goodness Rebecca investigated and saved Roni, now Maizie along with everyone else involved. That was a close call for sure. Was anything done with the woman who was trying to strangle her I wonder.

    • Yes, it would be good to hear that the original owner is at least being prosecuted and hopefully banned from having dogs again. Please update us about Maizie and thank you to Rebecca for saving her sweet life. May she only know love and cuddles from now on. ❤🇬🇧

    • Thank God for the dog. Now we need to make sure that this rotten person who did this is sent to jail. She is a menace to society

      • This vile and evil bitch psychopathic monster deserves the death penalty before this evil pos tortures another innocent and helpless dog – sentient being.
        Eradication from our Planet is a must.


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