HomeNational Animal NewsWolf Sanctuary Says Sorrowful Goodbye To 18-Year-Old Wolf With 'Amazing, Gentle Soul'

Wolf Sanctuary Says Sorrowful Goodbye To 18-Year-Old Wolf With ‘Amazing, Gentle Soul’

California – On July 18, the Wolf Mountain Sanctuary announced the passing of 18-year-old Wacipi, a wolf with an “amazing, gentle soul.” The California sanctuary alerted Facebook followers of the beloved wolf’s death, writing:

With much sorrow, we need to announce that our precious Wacipi has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She could not get up any longer and Mama Wolf had to help her start her new journey.
OH, this one was so hard, they all are but this one especially.

According to the sanctuary, Wacipi was taken in at the sanctuary with her brother Yawto and another wolf named Wanagi, in May 2004. She was just two weeks old and she and the others cubs had been “ripped from their mothers” by breeders. The sanctuary took them under its wing and gave them the best life that they could.

The wildlife sanctuary shared more information about Wacipi’s life:

She grew into a beautiful wolf, was an Omega so the other wolves picked on her so Mama Wolf spent much more time with her. She loved cats when she was young and preferred women mostly.

She ended up being quite close to Istas Pejuta when he was alive and they were constantly together. When he passed, she mourned for months. She did not care for Balto much, but tolerated him until we decided to remove her from that compound and let her have the run of the sanctuary. This actually made her come out of her shell and she was much more friendly with all visitors.

And asked for prayers and understanding for those who knew and loved Wacipi:

We will miss her so much, her wandering around and watching over all of the pack and all of us as well. She is now with Istas and all of the pack waiting for us all.
Please send your love and prayers to Mama Wolf and all of the wolves and staff that are in mourning.

Find the sanctuary on Facebook at this link.

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  1. So sorry for your loss. Wolves are so special and should be appreciated for all they have given us. Without wolves there would be no dogs. RIP Wacipi.

  2. tears falling for u Wacipi and Mama wolf as well…so wish they could all live forever …. our hearts as broken as yours….💔💔💔💔💔💔🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾


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