HomeAnimal RescueWhen Hope Has Faded - Dog Doesn't Greet Visitors Anymore After over...

When Hope Has Faded – Dog Doesn’t Greet Visitors Anymore After over 643 Days At Shelter

Pennsylvania – A homeless dog is growing increasingly hopeless with each passing day. Her name is Rosie and she has been sheltered with the Pennsylvania SPCA for more than 643 days.

On Monday, the animal welfare agency posted a photo of the slumbering dog, explaining Rosie’s reaction as the kennel doors opened to the public:

She didn’t greet potential adopters. She didn’t bark or wag her tail. Instead, she just slept and let the people pass by her kennel as they have done for the past 643 days.

Rosie is losing hope, and she is not alone. According to the shelter, adoptions are at an all-time low, meaning every dog at the facility is facing days of loneliness and despair.

The shelter said:

We have wonderful dogs who are passed over day after day after day. And, the truth is, we don’t know why. Sure, in years past the more difficult dogs would wait longer. but still, their families would come.

Now, we wonder where any families are.

Where have all of the adopters gone? Is inflation too high? Is there a lack of pet-friendly housing? There is no clear answer…just an increasingly sad problem.

Please share Rosie’s adoption information and if you are in the position to add a pet to your family, please adopt.

Rosie’s adoption information:

Animal ID 47845423
Species Dog
Breed Terrier, Pit Bull/Mix
Age 8 years 9 months 2 days
Gender Female
Size Large
Color White/Brown
Declawed No

Find the shelter’s Facebook page here.

Please note! All inquiries about this dog must be made directly to the shelter. Animal Victory is NOT the point of contact and has no affiliation with the animal welfare agency.

Continue reading: Two Starving Horses Rescued In Texas

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  1. Our economy sucks and people cannot afford pets. The world is a mess. Wake up people, stand up for the US and stop the clowns destroying us.

  2. I advocate for BSL. Pitbulls and pitmixes are unpredictable and every one of them is potentially extremely dangerous. Cruelty and neglect are inexcusable, but the best thing for all involved would be humane euthanasia.

    • I hope jmuhj is an atheist, for that would explain this kind of response to an innocent animal God created. If not an atheist, judge not least ye be judged. Everything living deserves a chance to live, love, and be happy. It was proven in the Veterinary mag, that there is no gene that makes a dog or any animals mean, it is the owners that make one unpredictable or mean, not the breed, research. People that commit crimes are unpredictable because of upbringing.

    • I’m so sorry to read your comments. You are clearly uneducated about these dogs. Please spend some time volunteering at any shelter. You will quickly change your mind.

    • You are obviously uneducated and ridiculously commenting on topics you have no clue about. Keep your uneducated comments to yourself. Every living being deserves to be treated with respect and comfort. Humans are the ONLY beings that make animals mean or go mad.

    • it’s human interaction that ruins ANY animal. people suck and treat this breed along with Dobermans and Rotties terribly. they train them to be aggressive and when they get an aggressive dog they want them dead. i have seen chihuahuas who are meaner than pit bulls. any dog can inflict injury and obviously the larger the dog the more the damage. these dogs get such a bad rap because uneducated activists don’t know what they are doing. Just look at the shape America is currently in mainly thanks to all the ACTIVISTS who will never educate themselves and all have the same distorted world view. Wake up Dumbass!

    • jmuhj needs to be better informed about the breed. He or she does not know what they are talking about. A dog is only as good as his owner.

    • Dogs have he mentality of toddlers….people are unpredictable and are more deserving of euthanasia as they know better…

    • I can speak from experience Pit’s make wonderful pets! They’re loyal, courageous, protective and can make great family pets! It’s how you raise them as with any dog! For the record you can’t humanely kill something that wants to live!

  3. I would love to take her but I live in the west coast. I don’t care about what she has been through or if she gets along with cats or other dogs or not I love all animals no matter what. She deserves a safe place and love.

  4. Just to be clear, my dog is not just old but is blind and deaf and has a hard time walking. I don’t know why I need to add this really. I will keep Rosie in my mind though. I hope she gets along with cats and other dogs.

  5. I would consider it but I have a dog who is 16 and needs a lot of attention. Can Rosie not go into foster care with someone? I feel so bad for her and will strive to keep her in my thoughts. Who knows how long my dog has? It breaks my heart to think of her losing hope? I wonder if she went to a different shelter it would help. Sometimes it just takes a different location to find the right person. If I know of someone I will surely be in touch. things are harder for people these days and who knows why else? Dogs give so much and ask for so little.


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