HomeAnimal CrueltyThe Babies Killed Today Because Of Pet Crisis

The Babies Killed Today Because Of Pet Crisis

Dallas, TX – Our shelters are in crisis. The celebrations to honor the “empty shelters” across the nation during the pandemic are a distant memory.

Today, healthy dogs are being killed for a lack of adopters and a lack of space. Healthy puppies are being killed. Healthy cats, and kittens – purebreds and mixed breeds. Pets that deserve to live are dying.

Today, two seven-month-old shepherd puppies were euthanized at the Dallas Animal Services facility. Puppies who survived an encounter with rat poison that killed their siblings. This duo survived the poisoning but died anyway.

Some days let’s be honest, most days – the reality is just too hard to take. These puppies are just four weeks older than our family’s shepherd puppy. Puppies who wanted to play, chase balls, chew toys, snuggle, learn, and love. Puppies who did not ask to lose their home, puppies who did not want to die.

Is there an answer? I have no idea. People in the animal rescue community preach about being a responsible owner. They beg and plead for pets to be spayed and neutered. They plead for people to adopt instead of buying from a breeder. But nothing changes…things get worse and more unwanted babies like Mike and Tony (rest in peace) die.

What more is there to say? What more is there to ask…it has all been said. Rest in peace sweet babies. You deserved better.

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  1. Two beautiful young puppies euthanized while shelters are filled with dangerous pit bulls. I do not understand this logic. Shelters all over are trying to rehab dangerous dogs, and they put these puppies to sleep. Priorities are way off base.

  2. This crisis is out of control. Insanity = doing the same & expecting different results. There is no end to this crisis. I watch nycacc hi kill shelter and post on twitter and on Nextdoor. Although Nexdoor is small platform, it reaches rural neighborhoods that may have room in yard, family and heart to save these doggos.
    With the illegal trespass that is happening – wouldn’t you want the safety of having a doggo that would protect you? GS especially are smart dogs that are good protectors for schools, airports, police, the border, neighborhoods, public buildings, etc… There is never enough time to network doggos, but so many people try. Punish backyard breeders, puppy mills, have free spay clinics… Lots of ideas just need to spread word and hold those accountable to pass laws such as Sara to protect these “shelter dogs” and stop the killing… Pray for karma and keep spreading the word…

  3. This is unbearable. Two handsome German Shepherd puppies killed for no good reason. These so called Animal Care Centres need to try much harder to find homes for dogs abandoned by their owners otherwise they may as well be called KILL CENTRES as that seems to be the case. I have two German Shepherds myself and if I lived in US I would have adopted them without a doubt. So very, very sad.

  4. You spend all this money to “save” these dogs from poison only to MURDER THEM? There is something seriously wrong with your heads. Its just plain MURDER!!! YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER!!!!!

  5. What is the point to all this? You spend the time to save their lives only to kill them anyway! The only thing I can say is what the hell??

  6. Those eyes..
    The sheer amount of terror and confusion these helpless babies were feeling, it’s beyond me.
    They could have had a life full of happiness and love, instead they survived a life-threatening poisoning, only to end up killed.
    My heart goes out to them, to every animal killed, and to the people who try to save the animals from being killed.

  7. Torturers and murderers of animals should be kept in prison for the rest of their lives and under severe conditions. Never let them get out of prison. Roswitha.


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