HomeAnimal RescueTerrified Dog Rescued From Beneath Collapsed Shed

Terrified Dog Rescued From Beneath Collapsed Shed

A terrified dog, tethered to a chain and trapped beneath a collapsed shed, was rescued on September 1. The Louisiana SPCA posted photos of the trapped dog, and recounted the situation, and rescue effort.

The animal welfare agency writes:

Yesterday our team and Humane Rescue Alliance officers who volunteered to help here after Hurricane Ida were able to make an amazing rescue! While we were out in the field responding to calls of abandoned animals a resident flagged us down and led us to a dog trapped underneath a collapsed shed!
Our teams rushed to the scene, where they found a scared dog chained inside of the shed and tangled under the debris.

The rescue teams believes that the dog had been trapped beneath the shed since Hurricane Ida hit the area on Sunday. Amazingly, despite being trapped beneath the shed, the dog escaped injury – the shelter staff writes:

We carefully lifted the shed enough so we could guide the dog out from underneath and free him from the chain. Thankfully, and perhaps miraculously, the dog was not injured.

The neighbor, who alerted the rescuers to the dog’s presence, helped name the dog Bubbles. Once freed, the pup was extremely affectionate. The animal welfare agency said:

Bubbles was super friendly and sweet and became almost immediately affectionate toward his rescuers. Bubbles was transported to our shelter in Algiers to cool off and recover while we work to locate his owners.

Bubbles is one of many pets left stranded by the hurricane. Anyone hoping to support the Louisiana SPCA can do so by making a donation to them on their Facebook page.

(images via Louisiana SPCA Facebook page)

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  1. Nope don’t give the dog back to the owners. How an animal lover can leave their home and not take their dogs or cats is beyond my understanding. They don’t deserve the love of a dog or cat; don’t give the dog back to them.

  2. My dog is as important to me as any family member. If there’s a hurricane on the way, my dog leaves with us. I would never leave her behind and if she couldn’t leave with me you better believe I’m hunkering down with her and we are riding it out together. I would never leave a family member behind to die or suffer….my dog is family.

  3. Please can we get a petition started on this one. The owners that left him chained and abandoned should face felony animal cruelty! 😢

  4. Please do not give this dog back to the owners. They clearly abandoned him and didn’t care what would have happened to him. Please find a great home with someone who will love him like family.

  5. Animals are precious gifts.
    Animals are men’s best friends
    If you’re abusing them you don’t deserve them
    Abandonar is abuse

  6. DO NOT RETURN THIS SWEET INNOCENT DOG BACK TO THE PREVIOUS OWNER!!! They don’t deserve him! Please find him a loving forever home that will provide him lots of love and always keep him safe. Thank goodness he survived the hurricane and was uninjured. And thanks to the rescue team for saving him from the situation and hopefully away from the previous owners.
    I hope the previous owners are located and are reprimanded for how they treat animals. They should be prohibited from owning any animals in the future. Animals should NEVER be tethered or chained, especially during a natural disaster where there are no ways to escape. Tethering should be illegal!


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