HomeAnimal RescueStarving Pink Pigeon, Suspected Of Being Dyed For Gender Reveal, Rescued

Starving Pink Pigeon, Suspected Of Being Dyed For Gender Reveal, Rescued

Manhattan, NY – A starving pink pigeon was rescued by a good Samaritan in Madison Square Park and taken to the Wild Bird Fund rehabilitation center for care. According to the non-profit organization, the malnourished young bird is likely the victim of a gender reveal party.

On January 30, the agency posted an image of the dyed bird, writing:

Pigeons come in many different colors and plumages, but pink isn’t one of them. This is a domestic king pigeon who was deliberately dyed this color and released.

Explaining how the coloring impacted his ability to survive in the wild, “being a bright, unusual color makes him even more of a target.” The agency noted that the bird shows signs of “long-term malnutrition.”

This bird is now safe, but others might not be. The organization took the opportunity to offer a public service announcement that might save another bird’s life:

PSA: Please never release domestic birds to the wild. Not for weddings, funerals, celebrations, art projects, anything. (We’d hope that “don’t dye them” goes without saying, but…) They will starve or be preyed on. If you see an all-white pigeon in the wild, or any tame bird standing around looking lost, it needs your help. Please catch the bird and bring it to a pigeon rescue or animal sanctuary near you.

(Image via Facebook)

Continue reading: Woman Arrested For Abandoning Crated Puppy In Intersection

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  1. How stupid and utterly selfish is this to put the importance of your sexuality ahead of the welfare of an innocent little pigeon and then discard it like it was trash, which is what these people are and that is being generous.

  2. I hope the “human breeders” and the “daughter” suffer great pain, anguish and hopefully the whole family dies before breeding again. Fucking humans!! And I feel NO SHAME saying this either!!!

  3. These poor birds, king pigeons, are raised for food – such sweet, beautiful creatures 🙁 – so it is doubly cruel to release them for weddings or a gender event – they are domesticarted and have no idea how to survive and their normal white color (or dyed like this) makes them an easy target for predators. Whoever dyed this poor bird ought to be fined for animal abuse. And that is a very young bird – anyone who knows pigeons can tell.
    As for gender parties – aside from not giving a shit about the sex of your kid – all I see is one more useless human in an already overcrowded world. And the human species just seems to be getting dumber and more worthless by the second.

  4. These gender reveals are so stupid and have done so much damage. One started a huge fire I believe in CA. Now animals are becoming victims to people’s incessant need for attention. WHO CARES what sex YOUR baby is??? Tell Grandma & Grandpa in person, on the phone, zoom, whatever. Leave the rest of us to find out when the baby is born – that’s the real reveal!!! Besides, God forbid,.,..don’t count your chickens (or pigeons) before they hatch!! PEOPLE ARE SO EFFED UP!!!


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