HomeAnimal RescueSkeletal Dog, Abandoned In Garbage Bag, Makes Remarkable Recovery

Skeletal Dog, Abandoned In Garbage Bag, Makes Remarkable Recovery

New  York, NY – A skeletal dog, abandoned in a garbage bag in New York City and left for dead, has made a remarkable recovery. The starved dog, dubbed Nanook, was found by police officers; the bag she was in had been left between two cars.

But being starved to the brink of death, and left so weak that she could not even walk, did not extinguish Nanook’s will to live. She was taken under the wing of Brooklyn’s AMA Animal Rescue and she has proven herself to be a mighty survivor.

The no-kill rescue agency describes the pitiful condition that Nanook started from:

The poor dog was so malnourished that she couldn’t move or lift her head. She was rushed to the emergency hospital immediately. Doctors discovered bleeding and infected pressure sours all over her legs, indicating that she was kept on a hard floor in one position for a while. The oozing discharge from her private area for unknown reasons is also alarming, but worse is her muscle atrophy. She’s been starved for so long that her muscles wasted away. Weighing only 14 lbs, Nanook’s life is hanging by a thread.

Days ago, the rescue group expressed amazement at Nanook’s progress, writing:

To say we’re impressed with Nanook’s strength is to say nothing. We are absolutely astonished by her will power. She went from not able to lift her body to walking in matter of weeks! And even though she still stumbles, still struggles at times, we have complete confidence in her ability to persevere.

Nanook’s days of being starved, confined, and left to suffer a miserable existence are over. You can donate towards her care at this link to the rescue group. 

Follow her progress on Facebook here.

Continue readingDozens of dogs and five cats rescued from terrible backyard breeding operation

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  1. How shameful her owners treated her. Thankful Nanook is progressing daily! May she return to full health and gets a loving caring home!

  2. How can people do this to an animal? It sickens me every time I read about these incidents and in this case those responsible will never be found unless the dog had a microchip and that is unlikely.Hopefully the dog will recover without any really serious after effects.


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