HomeDogsShelter Takes In 27 Beagles From Facility That Breeds Animals For Testing

Shelter Takes In 27 Beagles From Facility That Breeds Animals For Testing

The Atlanta Humane Society has taken in 27 beagles who were transferred from the Humane Society of the United States after being relinquished from a facility that breeds animals for animal testing.

On Wednesday, the animal welfare agency commented on the conditions the dogs had been living in:

They were born and living in confined, unsanitary spaces likely with little socialization from humans, and their care will be expensive and extensive.

The dogs are not currently available for adoption and no holds are being accepted. The shelter explains its policy:

We do adoptions on a first-come, first-served basis and do not place holds or pre-accept applications. If you are interested in adopting one of these dogs, you’ll need to sign up for pet alerts and keep an eye on our website.

Interested in being alerted when the dogs are available for adoption? Please sign up here.

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  1. Yay! Finally something good is happening to those poor beagles that are absolutely good natured and are taken advantage of and tortured and killed in grime laboratories.

  2. Humans don’t have the natural right to use and abuse animals any way they want to. These beagles were bred for hunting over many decades, not for ‘white coat welfare’ and abuse of our tax dollars. These huge dog breeding facilities run on money! Take that money away from universities, state and federal animal research facilities, and drug and product companies so this abuse will stop. If they continue then aliens from technologically advanced civilizations coming here will have the right to use humans for their experiments and we’d have no grounds to complain.

    • It is common knowledge that the monster, Fauci, has experiments done on hundreds of these sweet beagles (because of their gentle personalities) where they were caged and eaten alive by some kind of insects. Breeding them for testing needs to be outlawed!!

      • As long as so many people consider humans to be a superior species, there will be no law stopping even extremely cruel testing on animals, whether for medical procedures or drugs, or cosmetics and household products. And certainly not stopping killing animals to eat them. “Blessed are the merciful” doesn’t register with those “so many people.”

        • So many people fail to realize that holding those self-centered and heartless positions renders “humans” inferior to animals, since we are supposedly the “wise and kind” species with all of this special knowledge and high morals. Animals often outshine “humans” with their love and compassion and consideration for others.

    • Fauci authorized funding to a Morracan research facility to use beagle puppies to be eaten alive by sand flees. Fauci should be subject to the same ‘experiment.’

  3. the people who abuse these dogs should be shoved in a small cage and have all those things done to them. they are fully aware that much of the cruel testing they do amounts to zero results leaving me to conclude they are a bunch of sadistic scumbags.

    • My feelings exactly. I often say that what people do to animals they should also be subjected to so they can feel what their poor victims felt.

    • AND most people don’t see the ones who couldn’t possibly be adopted due to the fact that they are tortured and dismembered beyond recognition. I think the whole world should see what those white coated demons are doing. It’s not only not necessary, it is sick and twisted. Everyone should look up CIVIS and Hans Ruesch. His books “Slaughter of The Innocent,” “Naked Empress, Or The Great Medical Fraud,” have opened a lot of people’s eyes to what is really going on, and the motives behind it.

    • I agree wholeheartedly with you. I have just found this site by accident. From what petitions I have read and signed I have lost my faith in humanity. If we as supposed civilised humans can do this to precious,defenseless animals. Then what makes us think that we”‘ll treat our society any different. If we can’t show campassion to one another then all hope is gone. We have to stand up and be a voice for these little Angels on earth. Show these scum of the earth we are sick and tired of pure evil people getting away with horrific acts on animals. We few compassionate people left are gonna have to show them enough is enough. I do not trust anyone that can show cruelty to adefenseless animals. If they can’t treat animals right they certainly not going to treat human beings any better. What would probably stop animal abuse is if we could do to them the condition that the poor babies they abused was put thru. This is so disgusting.


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