HomeAnimal RescueShelter Can't Keep Up With Intakes, Euthanasia For Space On The Table...

Shelter Can’t Keep Up With Intakes, Euthanasia For Space On The Table For The First Time In 8 Years

Holmes County, OH – An animal shelter in Holmes County, Ohio, is facing the same overwhelming situation that shelters across the nation are dealing with…too many unwanted pets and nowhere to put them all.

This morning, the Holmes County Dog Warden’s Department and Adoption Center let the public know that they were facing a situation that they had not faced in nearly a decade…euthanizing unwanted pets because there was no space.

An alert to the community explains the dire situation:

The last few months have been discouraging, exhausting, and disheartening. The number of intakes just continues to soar. Our shelter is at a point where we may have to make some very tough choices in the near future. We simply can not keep up. We have dogs set up in our adoption room. We have two dogs in some of the kennels. We have two dogs in foster. The noise is absolutely unbearable in our kennels and is creating the absolute worst environment for some of our dogs.

The community stepped up on Monday to help with the concerning situation. Some dogs were adopted and others were sent to temporary foster homes – enough help was secured to give the facility a bit of breathing room.

But that breathing room is temporary.

The shelter reminded people to do their part:

Be a responsible pet owner. Spay and neuter your pets. License them properly (per state law) and put that tag on the dog. Get your dogs microchipped and stay on top of its registration. Establish a good relationship with your local shelter.

Reminding the public that staff is doing everything they can given the resources they have:

Our small 14-kennel operation is not a “No Kill” shelter by the general public’s definition. State law requires us to impound stray dogs. If we continue to pick them up and have no adopters or rescues willing to take them in order to create room for incoming dogs euthanasia is a last resort. We love dogs and are all passionate about what we do here with that being said we did not take the last post lightly. NO dogs I repeat NO dogs were euthanized today!!

The situation this shelter is facing is not unique. Shelters and rescue agencies are drowning in unwanted pets. Please adopt, foster, volunteer, donate – do what you can to support the shelters and rescue groups in the area where you live. And please, be a responsible pet owner.

Find the shelter’s Facebook page here.

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  1. Damn the breeders.

    Also not happy with the impounds (dog and cat jails) for their complicity with Big Pharma to poison all the animals that come trough their doors.

  2. You MUST NEVER KILL healthy & treatable Animals — make connections each day in order to create opportunities to Foster, Hold, Adopt Animals — even when each one of us does the RIGHT thing like adopting, spaying, chipping, it may not be enough — even then, we do NOT KILL — HOLD — HOLD — HOLD — keep reaching out to Fosters, then those People will reach out to other Adopters — continue to get the word out — in the meantime, HOLD onto the Animals — get VOLUNTEERS on board to walk the Dogs, play with Kitties out of the cages — the more GOOD & CARING People involved, the more success will come.

  3. Poster Kate is well-intentioned and caring; however, she is not stating facts. Since the pandemic and the disastrous, anthropocentric Surgeon General (and avid hunter) decreed spay/neuter to be “elective” rather than the essential service it in fact is, all of the extremely hard work we in the advocacy community have done, was undone, with the result being increasing numbers of lives lost. Add to that the global economic crisis caused in large part by a madman bent upon conquest (Putin) and you have this crisis.
    We cannot shuttle our way out of this. Spay/neuter needs to be prioritized nationally, and no animal should be adopted without being sterilized. Period.
    I see the tragic, senseless, and absolutely avoidable results of our misguided policy 365 days a year. We need universal spay/neuter. And we need it NOW.

  4. This is NOT euthanasia. Healthy animals are not euthanized as it is a process for those who are in great pain from a condition or disease that will never get better. Healthy animals are killed. This shelter could get help from Flight to Freedom (Free Kibble, Greater Good Site) it is time to make spaying and neutering an issue. Low cost spay//neuter clinics with a lot of outreach, TNR, etc. Any shelter can become no kill, and should, with dedication, compassion, and creativity. There are so many people without homes and yet no one would consider killing them. These animals are not disposable objects but are living and feeling beings who just need homes. I understand the plight of the shelter but killing them should not be an option. Other shelters take in dogs and cats from overcrowded shelters and it sickens me that they are killed instead


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