HomeAnimal Rescue'She Is Safe' Shelter Assures Owner Who Abandoned Elderly Blind And Deaf...

‘She Is Safe’ Shelter Assures Owner Who Abandoned Elderly Blind And Deaf Cat That She Is Okay

Days before 2022 drew to a close, a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, animal shelter assured the owner of an elderly, blind and deaf cat, that their former pet was safe. On December 29, ACCT Philly shared a photo of L’il Mama and the heartbreaking note that her owner included with her cat carrier that was left outside of a shelter.

The animal welfare agency said:

To the person who previously cared for Lil Mama🐱 and wrote this note to help her get her medicine, and attached it to the carrier she was left in outside of a shelter, we want to let you know that we have her and she is safe.

Though L’il Mama was abandoned, it was clear that her former owner loved her. Not only did the person include the senior cat’s name, but they outlined the health conditions that ultimately made caring for her financially impossible for them. The agency said:

It is clear you loved her very much to have written down everything she needed in this letter, and are facing several very difficult hardships😔 Thanks to your note, we know that Lil Mama is a 17 year old who is blind and deaf but is also suffering from hyperthyroidism, kidney disease and anemia, and we know her name.

The shelter staff quickly fell in love with L’il Mama and posted her information to social media with the hope that it would reach her prior owner. The agency assured the person that the cat was receiving medical attention and that they were searching for a rescue group or adoptive home capable of giving her the care she needs for the remainder of her life.

An update to the original posting indicates that L’il Mama has been placed with a rescue organization:

We’re happy to share that one of our fabulous rescue partners, City of Elderly Love: Save a Senior Pet, is taking Lil Mama into their care. To her owners, please know COEL is a wonderful group and if you reach out to us we are happy to put you in touch with them.

ACCT Philly’s post resonated with thousands of people, who left nearly 500 comments and shared it 1.4k times.

The agency used this situation to remind pet owners that there are options available, aside from surrendering during hard times:

We hope this posts reunites them, and also spreads the word about alternatives to surrendering that people may not be aware of. If you’re considering surrendering your pet, please don’t wait until it is an emergency to start looking for resources.

You can privately rehome your pet through Adopt a Pet here.



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  1. Beautiful — Thank you to each & every Person Lil Mama met on her journey — her trip was one of love, care, expertise — thank you.

  2. So glad this sweet girl is safe. I understand the costs as I have a daughter with Hyperthyroidism myself. Fortunately, we are able to cure her of this by getting her Radiation Therapy. Although, I do not agree with leaving her out in the cold and alone. She is blind and deaf. They are very sensitive to smells since their other senses are gone. She must have been extremely scared. You should have at least waited until they opened to hand her over. However, I can see by your note that you did love this sweet beautiful girl. I’m sorry you had to do this. And I’m sorry for her as well since she is taken out of the forever home she knew and loved.

  3. I agree they should have taken her directly in to the shelter but at least they left her where they knew she would be found unlike some assholes who would have just abandoned the cat . Kudos to the shelter for making sure the cat was taken care of as the previous owner wanted and hoped for. It is a sad commentary on our current economic situation that some pet owners have to give up their pets because they cannot afford to keep them. Can’t imagine how heartbreaking that decision must be.

  4. It is easy, as did someone here, to say they would never abandon a cat but they are not in the shoes of those people. While I agree that they could/should have brought her into the shelter, they seemed to really care about her. I had a cat who died recently who was diabetic and it was not cheap between the food and the insulin. Not everyone can afford such care as was the case with these people and luckily she was found and cared for. My mini Schnauzer came at 14 1/2 and was brought to a shelter because his person could not give Andre the time and care he needed. Fortunately, they called a rescue who took him in. He meant well and Andre is now blind and deaf and is never left alone though he does not mind crates because he was left in one before he came to me. Old and/or sick animals require a lot of care and sometimes a lot of money. It is entitled to criticize those people though, again, they could have brought him in and we will not know why they did not. Shame maybe?

    • I have to agree with you! I would never abandon my furkids. I’m sure they would not dump their “human children”! No excuse, to me at least. Even if they did really love her, I just can’t imagine dumping my kids. They are for life! In sickness and in health.

  5. Glad there is at least one good Shelter who doesn’t harm and kill the pets that show up there, and who went out of their way to find a rescue. God Bless them. And to the Greedy Vet who made this family have to do this, I hope KARMA kicks you hard in the Fanny. Greedy Vet.

  6. It’s nice they wrote a note, but why not take her into the shelter instead of just leaving her outside in the cold? Some sicko could have come along and abducted her and done god knows what with her. There is no shame in facing financial trouble, especially today with this administration, but there is shame in leaving a blind and deaf cat out in the elements for however long she was there in the hopes that the right person finds her first. All she knows is the warmth of her home and the smell of her people and then all of a sudden she’s sitting out in the cold panicking in a strange area with nothing familiar around her. I hope this cat spends her final years warm, safe and loved.

    • I agree 100%. Thought the same thing. Glad they left a note, but they should not have left her outside alone in the cold like that. Should have waited until the shelter opened and brought her in. Yes it is a difficult situation and maybe they were embarrassed, but the right thing would have been to bring her inside so they knew that she was safe. I am glad it turned out ok and Lil Mama is in a safe, warm place.


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