HomeAnimal Rescue'Saddest Thing' Cat Surrendered Because She Wanted To Cuddle At Night

‘Saddest Thing’ Cat Surrendered Because She Wanted To Cuddle At Night

On December 8, a beautiful cat named Ellie was surrendered by her family because she wanted to cuddle with them at night. The heartbreaking situation went viral after a Twitter user shared photos and wrote:

Yall. This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. This cat was returned to the shelter because she wanted to cuddle her owners at night. 💔

Ellie’s adoption note card said that she would cry outside of her owner’s door at night…fortunately for Ellie, social media did what social media does. It went viral – the Tweet was was like over 76,000 times and shared more than 6100 times and because of the attention, Ellie found a home.

Greenbriar Humane Society, who initially sheltered Ellie before she went to a rescue partner, said:

The rest of the story – sweet, affectionate Ellie was adopted this past weekend because of her viral story. 🐾😻

Now Ellie can cuddle to her heart’s content.


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  1. Are you kidding. I had a.cat that was not loving. Just because he didn’t cuddle with me I would not give him up.for nothing but I wished. He loved me.the way he did. I miss him so.much

  2. AND if you want to see what species is the most dangerous, it is our own that kills birds, keeps them in cages, sets up mesh to keep them off buildings, erects buildings that they crash into and die, and so on. I do not discount what cats do but too often the human species blames others for what we do.

  3. I have 3 cats and 2 of my cats sleep with my every night my other cat don’t sleep with me becuse the younger cat chases him off the bed

  4. I have about 2 acres in my back yard. I had a special fence (especially made for cats) placed on top of my older wooden fence (fixed for my doggies and kitties) that keeps my kitties/doggies from breaking out into the beyond. Works very well and no need to worry about them getting hurt and lessening the possibility of them hurting other wildlife. I am lucky to have a warm home for myself, my hooman family, with extra footage inside and outside to allow my furry extended family members to roam at their leisure.
    My extended furry family reacts just like a pack, both cats and dogs. It’s so interesting and wonderful to watch and learn how much we all have in kind including the ability to give kindness to others. In addition, throughout my life, I’ve been able to leash train some of kitties and they love/loved it; all of us enjoyed our walks together (humans, cats, and dogs). Always got the attention of people when we went out on our excursions together. I had one special kitty who lived 24 years who absolutely loved to take walks on her leash and I know that one of these days, we’ll all be together again. Be kind to one another and other beings. We are all taking our journeys into the beyond.

  5. Sad story, heard variations one too many times. So glad she found a great home.
    Poster, ‘DeeKaye’– calm down. You sound very immature, all your profanity is not necessary. Makes you sound like a trailer trash drop out.
    Yes, some people do let their cats out…some go out for a few minutes in the morning, then again at night –then they come in. Some of mine hate the litter pan, no matter what I put in it…
    Some are feral, and no matter how I try to keep them in, will smash through the door sometimes in order to get out for awhile…..had 3 that tore out window screens…
    Adopted declawed cats a few times, either it was me or they were going to be put down, so I took them….Know what? I had to eventually let them out for some part of the day because the assholes who declawed them ruined their personalities for life. The cats were NASTY, always attacking others, spraying all over the place, peeing on everything that wasn’t a litter pan. After nearly a year with this BS, I had to let them go out. I had a system, I watched them. They came in when dark, and out again in the morning. Most of the outdoor ones lived to be between 19-and 22! One was 23 when he died. I don’t keep bird feeders where they like to go, and try to be out there with them for awhile to play with them. Also, all those that keep your cats in—do you smoke??? If so, you are doing more damage to your cat then you would believe. Cats (and dogs) HATE smoke!!! They can’t breathe….
    So, please, all you people attacking those of us who leave them out, STOP. Direct your anger at the ones declawing the cats, not spaying & neutering, and poisoning them.

  6. The moronic reasons that people will use to justify giving up a pet family member. It’s too old, it sheds, it costs too much, it’s noisy, it’s messy, it takes up too much of their time. It’s wrecking their things, it’s pooping/it’s peeing and the list goes on & on. BUT .. THIS REASON IS TRULY PATHETIC
    I thought I heard it all. It’s not the first time I have seen some similar reason as this. It happens to come from a true ASSHOLE tho

  7. I am not sure which is worse-the woman who returned a cat for wanting to sleep with her (stupid reason for sure) for the haters criticizing someone for letting her cat outside. I live in a rural area and my cats (one died recently-not from being outside) have gone out for years and there has never been a problem. One lived outside all summer one year, not because I wanted him to but because he would disappear as the door was open. He was never injured and was quite happy. The other one goes outside though he does not stay outside at night except on the rare occasion. Most cats can be indoor cats I guess but not all and those here seem to think they are perfect. Well, you are not. Also, not all cats are killers.
    Thanks to those who just commented on the article. My cat sleeps next to me all winter until it gets hot and I quite enjoy having him and am grateful he does not sleep with me when it is too hot as it would be uncomfortable.

    • I agree, mine are indoor outdoor cats, always have been, always will be. Cats go NUTS kept inside all the time. For those that insist they must be kept inside, their mental stability must be considered, they are natural outdoor animals. That is why the horrific practice of declawing cats came into play, so that they did not scratch furniture as they do because they are frustrated at being kept indoors 24/7 like a fluffy toy. Try building an outdoor enclosure where they can be outside as nature intended but still safe. I have one but my cats are also free to wander our back garden and front garden. They do not kill anything, they are perfectly safe. If you live in a place where wild animals are a problem, best option is a very well built safe outdoor run for your cats with access to inside at all times if danger approaches. As for the vile vitriol coming from one particular lady……..take a chill pill…..your anger is YOUR problem, don’t inflict it on everyone else over a story about a poor cat who was returned to the shelter, she is better off with someone else than that owner. I would hate to be one of your animals in your house when your abuse hits the airwaves!.

    • a neighbor of mine allowed her cat to roam free. I don’t know how many times I begged her to keep her cat indoors and out of the street. one day I went out to get the mail and startled her cat. he ran out in front of a car, ran back under my van and died. and I will never forgive her for that.

  8. During the week, it’s a bit of a rush, but it’s always something to look forward to during the weekend or on holidays to have a long cuddle session with my Lukas. He’s also gotten used to the fact that when he hears the alarm clock, it means mummy has to go, but when he doesn’t hear it (strange how they get used to the routine), it’s special time with mummy. I can’t understand why this poor kitty’s previous owners would do this to her.

  9. How sad that anyone would be so cold to a loving pet. Scary to imagine what kind of parents they would be! So glad this sweet animal found a good family to love her.

  10. What was wrong with these people? Why have a pet if you are going to keep it at arms length. Part of the pleasure of having a pet is that it wants to be close and part of your life not shunned. A pox on those owners for not appreciating this little cat. Glad it found true owners who will appreciate it and give it a loving home.

  11. To those that dumped her, I hope you rot in hell! She just wanted to love you and you were assholes and dumped her. Cats are wonderful kids! I love when my daughter Maya sleeps with us and wants pets and cuddles. I’m so happy to hear she has a forever home. May the goddess watch over you always sweet girl and your family.

  12. One of my 3 cats (all rescues) curls up next to me every night — I don’t understand
    why the cat on your story was ever given up. I hope her new owner appreciates her
    as much as I love all three of mine.

    • I four who sleep with me. all in a pile by my head. they end up with more of my pillow than I do sometimes. even tho I lose sleep, I love them so much I can’t push them away. when people say that cats aren’t affection or love their humans, they do NOT know what they are talking about.

    • And you must not have any pets if you think leaving them outside at the mercy of wild animals is okay. DeeKaye might have been harsh but he or she isn’t wrong.

    • Cats let outside to roam kill untold numbers of birds and small mammals. Cats are NOT wildlife – they are domesticated and should not be let out to prey on nature. While inside they are fine as pets, outdoors they are considered the world’s worst invasive species.
      In your case, not only did your cat likely kill, it was killed itself by racoons.
      Your lack of responsibility is the cause of numerous deaths that could have been avoided, including that of your own pet. This is all on you.
      Responsible cat owners do not leave their cats out, out of respect for nature and also so their pets don’t get killed by wildlife, speeding cars or other dangers,including being tortured by crazy people who hate cats.
      You can build a catio and leash-train a cat, or let it out in your yard with your supervision, but good cat parents never just leave their animals out.

    • Actually B Roberts is right. If people love their pets so much why do they let them outside where there are numerous dangers??????? Some people are just stupid or ignorant.

      • What’s wrong with YOU? I think you, dutchqueen and B Roberts are sock puppets because you say almost exactly the same thing in your multiple posts. And none of it is very bright.

      • I have taken in dozens of stray cats. They have anxiety, but they don’t “go nuts.” A little patience goes a long way. I’d rather have a noisy, but safe, animal.

      • It actually takes a bit of work but most people are too lazy to bother. Rather just let the cat out the door and hope it doesn’t get killed.

    • I agree with you, cats should be indoors. Would u allow your child to stay outside by themselves. Cats can’t fend for themselves, I don’t care what anyone says, they could get hit by cars, run into people that just hate animals. If u cant keep your cat indoors, then don’t get a cat. My cats are perfectly happy indoors.

    • DeeKaye is right but said bit harshly. Cats who are let outside have way shorter lifespan compared to indoor only cats. I have heard numerous horror stories of cats torn apart by coyotes, run over by cars, at times hunted by eagles, etc. Why take the risk and then at the same time have the cats kill innocent wild birds and animals like chipmunks, rabbits and squirrels? Some owners want cats to go outside because they are lazy and do NOT want to clean litter boxes. It is way easier to let cats relieve themselves outside but suffer heavy consequences

    • probly some pretty bad language but I do agree with you. I get tired of people going for the sympathy vote because their pet got killed outside. we have 15 cats and they are INSIDE or in a fenced in yard. they are NEVER out in the yard during the night or when we are gone. and we have never had one get killed. they are at our mercy and we need to love them like we would human children. people give their kids a curfew to keep them safe. the kids may want to roam the streets but we don’t allow them to. we should not allow our pets to roam.

    • we lose more birds to windows in houses and high rises than we do to cats. we lose more birds to habitat loss than we do to cats. if you care for cats, please stop adding fuel to the cat hater’s fire.


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