HomeNational Animal NewsResearches Say Pets Are Part Of Climate Problem And They Suggest Feeding...

Researches Say Pets Are Part Of Climate Problem And They Suggest Feeding Them Insects To Help

Would you feed your pets insects to help save Earth from a climate crisis? As reported by CNN, researchers have stated that our pets are a major contributor to the climate crisis because of their meat-heavy diet.

While these researchers have not made the radical suggestion to get rid of pets, they have suggested that people should consider changing what is being fed to them. Angela Frimberger, a veterinarian with Vets for Climate Action, said:

“Insect-based pet foods can be nutritionally complete and are starting to come onto the market around the world. They can also be a solution for some pets that have food allergies to traditional protein sources.”

Other climate-friendly suggestions from researchers include cutting back on “consumerism.” In other words, avoid buying your pet costumes and unnecessary toys. Gregory Okin, the UCLA professor who authored the study, also suggests that people avoid large pets with a bigger carbon pawprint.

He said:

“Small rodents and birds are great options. Snakes, turtles and reptiles can have a really low impact, too, for those that are into it.”

What are your thoughts? Would you get a small pet and feed him/her insects to help fend off a climate crisis?

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  1. My pets are my family. I would NEVER get rid of them. Dogs have more kindness and soul than most humans. Humans are a threat to climate change too, but no one is suggesting eradicating humans (Thank Goodness!!!!). There are options that make sense. Getting rid of pets or humans is Not one of them. Pet costumes are silly, but I do like giving my dog a toy to play with. I feel my pup is here for such a short time if the toy entertains her and makes her happy I am ok with it.

  2. This is the biggest bullsh** I’ve ever heard. Why don’t these so called bogus researchers start feeding themselves & their own pets insects first & see how well that works for them instead of trying to force others to do something they won’t do? They need to mind their own business & quit telling others how to live their lives.

  3. Whatever the problem is it comes down to people. My almost 16 year old dogs eats vegan food (Wild Earth) and is doing quite well. He also has herbal remedies that he takes every day.

  4. Birds belong in the sky not a cage. I would not personally feed any pet something we would not consume ourselves. There are vegan pet food options. I also wouldn’t deny creature comforts to pets unless we were willing to forgo the same. If saving the planet requires us giving up life as we know it, is it really worth it?

  5. The subject of pet food in relation to the environment has been on my mind for a while now. If more people followed a plant based diet or at least cut down on their meat-eating substantially it would help with climate change (amongst other measures). The pet food industry no doubt contributes to climate change, albeit not on the same scale as the amount of meat, fish and dairy that humans consume. I’m not sure about replacing pet food with insects, but I would be in favour of laboratory grown meat cultures if they could be produced to a decent standard and would be commercially viable. As someone else mentioned, I have heard of cat food being produced in a lab from mouse cells, which would be great for pet cats.

  6. Insects are not a dog’s or cat’s natural diet, and not good for them as their main staple. The government system, in collusion with big business, has been killing, injuring, and weakening the immune systems of us and our animals for a very long time, with vaccines, GMO’s, pesticides, poisons applied directly to your pet’s skin or given to ingest, etc.

    The only climate change is that which is being done by those same people via geoengineering, for which there are at least 100 government patents. If anyone doubts this, please go to GeoengineeringWatch.com and do some research. It is important.

  7. Climate warming is a hoax made up so they can cull the herd, we are the herd. And get us to eat bugs, go to youtube and type in Planet of the humans by that creep Michael Moore, but in this movie he actually reports the truth of the climate hoax, how they are cut down Billions of trees to feed into furnices to make power, but the trees do not burn hot enough, so they add car tires and railroad ties soaked in poison. When it snows, it’s black! We need more CO2 not less, what do you think the trees breath??? yep CO2!!! and as for the bugs, you will own nothing and be happy Klaus Schwag WEF. (meaning you will eat bugs and drink poop water, while the Elite eat you.

  8. Are you seriously crazy? Maybe the “researchers” should start eating bugs. Bugs carry Disease and cause other issues. I won’t give my pet children anything I wouldn’t eat. Enjoy your cricket casserole!

  9. Cats are FAMILY, not “pets” in my family. Insects are consumed by millions of people globally, and those which are safe to eat and nutritionally complete would be appropriate for humans and non-humans alike. Large dogs, especially pitbulls, pitmixes and those generationally bred to fight and kill should not exist. They should never be “pets.” I advocate for BSL to keep people and other animals safe from their unpredictable violence. This is another good reason to eliminate them.
    I wonder what Prof. Okin’s thoughts are on the cat-hating bird fanatics’ entirely fallacious propaganda against cats, whose main prey is small rodents. They have been valued by humans for thousands of years because of this. As for birds, most of the birds they catch are old, weak, or very young. This means they actually improve the gene pool of bird species. Suggesting that birds be used as part of cats’ diet is appropriate; chicken and turkey are already enjoyed by cats. There are now commercial cat foods with mouse as a main ingredient. This is a step in the right direction, as mice are cats’ main prey and are easily maintained in large enough numbers to provide good commercial diets for cats.
    Consumerism is anathema to me and anything that can be done to reduce it gets my vote.

    • Jmuhj how dare you comment on large dogs and Pitbulls in particular in such a negative way. I’m not crazy about cats but I would never say the should not exist because they eat birds and baby rabbits. I have owned many Pitbulls and know many people who own Pitbull mixes and they are one of the most loving dog’s. It the arse hole people who feel they have the right to abuse them and make them into fighters. They are not natural fighters and make one of the best pets. So next time you want to comment on a subject know the facts on what you are talking about. Your perception of this breed is just as ignorant as the people who think we should feed our beloved pets insects.

  10. Blaming pet food as a major issue is ridiculous.

    Human beings are the ones destroying the planet. People demand meat, meat is grown on factory farms. Factory farms produce a huge amount of pollution, in addition to being rife with animal cruelty.

    So, blaming pet food for environmental destruction is stupid. Have any of these activist arses actually read the ingredients on pet food? Probably not. I would be very surprised if there is much actual meat in pet food. It is HUMANS who consume the huge amounts of meat that are to blame.

  11. I am so surprised and disgusted by the responses here. I thought all true animal lovers would understand this. Climate change is REAL. If you don’t believe in it. You’re a f***king boomer or ignorant. First of all, I have 4 dogs, 3 cats and 2 guinea pigs. I am not vegan so I am a hypocrite too. I would die for my dogs and I love them dearly, but factory farming IS A MAIN FACTOR of our Earth dying and a huge culprit in pollution. I just watched a trial live about animal activists against SmithField the biggest pork producer. Thank God they won, but BigAG is destroying our planet. This article was harsh and absurd, but it is true that even if WE stopped eating meat it makes no difference because our pets have to so we are again contributing for this genocide of our own species and others. I fully believe in population control. While PETA are whackjobs and not innocent. They believe owning pets is like slavery which I agree with too. We created pets because were so pathetically lonely or want something to love us, etc. 2 of my dogs were my fosters as I used to foster dogs. I abhor people who buy dogs when shelters are bursting at the seams. I also feed about 20 strays because these sick f***s like to dump animals and don’t believe in neutering anything. I believe people should also be sterilized. The reason we have factory farms cuz nothing can sustain the supply and demand for the f***ing BILLIONS of parasites on Earth: humans. We destroy everything and most don’t care like the comments below. You are all selfish just like me and only think about yourself and not others or future generations. We’ve caused extinctions, killed other humans cuz of their skincolor, destroyed biosystems and habitats to make room for us. So yeah people and pets have to start downsizing. All animals should be free.

    • I agree with you on all of that. Big Ag is evil, and needs to be taken down, as it is very destructive in addition to being horrifically cruel. So does Big Pharma, and the vivisection labs.

      However, it is also a fact that the deep state has geoengineering weapons. They ARE creating droughts, freezing storms, hurricanes, etc., and then blaming it on “climate change,” Please look up GeoengineeringWatch.org and pay particular attention to the capabilities of HAARP.

      • I am a conspiracy theorist and I do believe that the government does have some part in controlling our weather, but who cares if it is an agenda to push clean energy and stop farming animals into torture camps so us fat fucks can eat meat? At the end of the day theres too many people and too many strays and shelters so full theyre just killing those pets everyone is so outraged by adamant on keeping. We created pets and pets are not a necessity. Theres a lot of people who don’t deserve pets. Seeing these dogs chained for their whole life in 100F degree weather with no food and water. I have to trap and neuter about 20 stray cats thats gonna be $400. Theres a stray with a raw neck that I am gonna take to vet on my own dime because its suffering. Theres another bkack stray cat whos skin and bones and has growths on it. Thats gonna cost me a lot to run tests probably cancer or parasites. Have you seen the dog meat trade? Animals boiled, burned, skinned alive. Whos fault is it? Humans.

    • Exactly. We kill bears wolves etc for encroaching into “OUR” lands like that poor Walrus, or the bear looking for food in a campsite or the wolf killing cattle because theyre hungry on cattle ranchers land, hunt deer cuz theres too many and theyll “hurt” themselves or cause road accidents yet whos monitoring humans? We are not superior and thats the problem with these egotistical fucks. I’ve moved to this shithole state of Texas and these people have like 5 kids each. I am not against children. I think they are cute and bring joy like animals to an ugly world, but theres too many God damn people. I chose not to have kids and overpopulation is one of my many reasons plus theres plenty of kids who need love waiting in the foster system so I cannot really see any valid reason to want to create more besides society wanting more working slaves but thats not needed because machines will replace us soon enough. I kinda feel now its just too late……I know in my lifetime I will not see the progress that should be made, but lab meat needs to come quick and other alternatives from wood & plastics and more clean energy and education and empathy for respecting other species and life.

    • Forgot to add we need bugs. They keep our biosystems running. Look at the bees they’re becoming extinct. Unlike people all animals have a role to keep it in check and keep things growing so yeah eating bugs is not a solution.

    • Climate change is manufactured, sorry you are not smart enough to put 2 and 2 together. Your name calling does not change anything, it only shows your ignorance.

      • Thats your opinion and a selfish one. Keep on polluting so the icebergs can melt and the droughts to continue, etc. You can keep preaching that we have unlimited resources to sustain us, but maybe you’re one of those Elites who’ll just move to Mars when you destroy the rest of the planet for the rest of us cuz “climate change” isn’t real. Why does it matter? What are you people losing giving a fuck about the environment and helping the Earth?

  12. AND these POS researchers are mostly like on the government’s dime just like Falsey Fauci. They will say and do whatever they are told to say and do just to keep their big paychecks. Ask Fauci about that. Look how much his wealth has increased since the COVID fiasco. Many millions more. Now how did that happen on just his paycheck which is more than a president’s paycheck. This bullshit climate change is all about control of the people and bringing in the NWO. Prove me wrong.

      • The only thing wrong is by omission. The planet is under attack via geoengineering. It’s really important to do research on this, because they are deliberately causing droughts, floods, hurricanes, and even earthquakes. They are doing this to control us, and they’re messing with crops to try to starve us out.
        Please look up GeoengineeringWatch.com, and see what they say about not only the spraying, but HAARP.

  13. All of these climate fear monger’s had better be Vegan, riding a bicycle and eating bugs themselves. Their carbon footprint had better be 0 ! Climate change is a Natural earth occurrence that has been happening for Millions of years . If you want to talk about human pollution, then that is different. Our oceans are dying, our dumps are full to capacity, or cities and streets are riddled with trash, our water is toxic . So, climate hoaxers fix the real problem ! Clean up your planet !

  14. This atrocious and Disgusting! More Animal Abusers! Dogs are not the problem with Climate Change! No Animal Is! How Hideous! It’s the people that abuse animals that are the problem! Give me a Break! Climate Change is happening because of not taking care of earth! I just wish these sick people we could ship to an island and never hear from them again! It’s the animals and their Beauty and Innocence that needs to be protected every single day. God Speed to all the Animals on this earth! Praying for you, Donating and signing Petitions every single day! 🥰♥️🙏😇🤗

    • CATTLE CAUSE IMMENSE METHANE POLLUTION!! WILDLIFE are being encroached upon losing habitat & becoming endangered.Wild Horses are being rounded up & sent to Canada & Mexico due to the enormous number of cattle now. Dogs creating a problem?? LAUGHABLE.

  15. the only problem i see are the climate assholes. they pose the greatest threat to anything living. maybe they should help the cause with self extermination. maybe if the government would stop geoengineering our weather things would be much better but they would rather ignore the obvious and blame cows and pets and everything else in the world they can blame. typical response of complaining and fixing nothing.


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